What Books Are You Reading?

Just curious as to what books out there are getting the thumbs up? What are the pro’s Reading? New and old alike.

Here is my list:

Daily reads:

Local and National News
Various investment websites (USA today, newsweek, Tcinvestor, Richdad)


Rich Dad Series

Consulting, Speaking and Seminar Training by Robert Bly

Multiple Streams of Income by Peter Conti and David Finkel

Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill

How about you guys?


  • rjs935218th November, 2003

    Just a reply here with what books I've read or am currently reading.

    Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill

    Rich Dad / Poor Dad - Kiyosaki

    The Aladdin Factor - Canfield?

    Multiple Streams of Income - Finkel & Conti

    Awaken the Giant Within - Anthony Robbins

    I'm almost done with the Anthony Robbins material and I'll probably move on to revisiting some of the material I have from Finkel & Conti (I'm a mentorship student). It's an incredible amount of material that they give you to work with. All the information is there for you --- it just a matter of applying the info and making it happen for yourself.

    Ryan J. Schnabel
    -Make it happen.

  • kmaples18th November, 2003


    Great post, tell me more about the mentorship.

  • OnTheWater18th November, 2003

    I've been reading Find it, Fix it Flip it.

    It's pretty good. It attempts to wrap up all the steps in finding, fixing and flipping a property. It provides the basic steps one could use to do a filp. Also, it discusses financing, partners and some creative ideas. If I hadn't read and finished our Carlton Sheets course, I wouldn't have been able to understand what was between the lines or to what the author was alluding.

    I read the real estate sections and its articles from the two cities in which we invest.

    I also read this site and pose questions on this site daily.



  • Zach18th November, 2003

    It's been a while since I read it, but didn't Robert Allen write "Multiple Streams of Income"? Anyway, I just finished "Are you Dumb Enought to be Rich?", by William Barnett. I really liked that one - had a lot of ideas in it. I read one of Jay Decima's books, but I don't remember which one. I learned a lot in that one too, but I prefer Barnett's strategy of becoming a "professional check writer" much more than I did Decima's hands on approach. I'm kinda tired of working on junk, I think I'll give check writing a try. Zach

  • kmaples19th November, 2003


    I not sure, maybe Robert Allen wrote a version as well but the copy that I am reading now is written by Peter Conti and David Finkel. I have just started it but it seems like a good read, I let you know.

  • reibyme19th November, 2003

    I'am reading flipping properties by William Bronchick and Robert Dahlstrom.

  • Rogue19th November, 2003

    Here's my current list:

    Real Estate Business and Investment Opportunities
    IRA Wealth

    Plan to Read:
    Subject To Manual - John $Cash$ Locke


    Unofficial Guide to Real Estate Investing
    Investing in Real Estate, 4th ed.
    Real Estate Finance & Investment Manual
    Are you dumb enough to be rich?

    Currently Listening to (during commute):

    Alternative Real Estate Financing - Bronchick

    Just finished Listening to:

    Ron LeGrand - Cashflow Modules

    Plan to listen to:

    Brian Tracy Maximum Achievement
    Brian Tracy Getting Rich in America

    Occasionally revisit (Audio - unabridged where possible):

    Think and Grow Rich
    How To Win Friends And Influence People
    Richest Man in Babylon
    Rich Dad, Poor Dad
    [ Edited by Rogue on Date 11/19/2003 ]

  • kmaples20th November, 2003

    Great Reads!! Anymore out There??

  • Chrishette20th November, 2003

    How to Make Big Money in Real Estate
    by Tyler Hicks

    Gives a couple of good real world examples to chapter topics.

    I absolutely love the 36 hours Real Estate Investing Course (don't remember who its by) but its published by McGraw Hill.

    It gives you the BIG picture on investing.. by being involved in the community.

  • kmaples20th November, 2003


    Absolutely, I have read the 36 hour real estate course as well and it does bring a different much more involved approach. Great Read. Any others out there?

  • Quikness20th November, 2003

    This is a great post. I didn't know there were so many REI books out there. Now, I've read Rich Dad, and I have a copy of Multiple Streams of Income on disc. I got the free one off the internet. Do you think I could find it in my local library? I need to get it, because my eyes are all jacked up from gazing deap into my computer screen. I need to get a hard copy of that book!!!!

    Now, let's go get this money!


    [ Edited by Quikness on Date 11/20/2003 ][ Edited by Quikness on Date 11/20/2003 ]

  • rickpozos20th November, 2003

    I have read several of the Rich Dad books
    How to make big money in the Tighter, Tougher 90s -- Hicks
    The Millionare Mind --Thomas Stanley
    Quick LLC --Nolo
    Spin Selling --Neil Rackham
    The Latino Journey to Financial Greatness --Louis Barajas
    Advanced Wiring --Stanley Tools Co.
    The Godfather --Mario Puzo
    Flipping Properties --Bronchick & Dahlstrom

    All read this year.

  • 3qu1ty21st November, 2003

    Multiple Streams of Income ... by Peter Conti and David Finkel

    Multiple Streams of Income by Robert Allen

    Richest Man in Babylon

  • rjs935221st November, 2003


    I've got nothing but good things to say about the mentorship program. It was really a <b>great</b> way to get started. There is more than enough information provided and if you do half of the things they say to do there's no way you could fail (at least that's my view on it). Everything from negotiation to marketing is covered and any time I've got a question I can hop on a teleconference and ask a coach or ask on a message board for other mentorship students.

    Ryan J. Schnabel
    -Make it happen.

  • kmaples21st November, 2003


    If you go to resultsnow com you were you got the free copy you can get the book for free as well you just have to pay the $4 shipping. (Multiple streams of income)
    PM me if you have trouble. You shouldn’t though, I just did it not to long ago!
    <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif"> [ Edited by kmaples on Date 11/21/2003 ]

  • kmaples21st November, 2003


    Thanks, that’s a great list, I especially like the godfather, great movies, even better book.

    Any others??

  • kmaples21st November, 2003

    Here is the list so far, I would like to continually add more to it, so if anyone has read something not on this list please post it and I’ll update the list.

    Rich Dad Series

    Consulting, Speaking and Seminar Training by Robert Bly

    Multiple Streams of Income by Peter Conti and David Finkel

    Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill

    The Aladdin Factor - Canfield?

    Awaken the Giant Within - Anthony Robbins

    Are you Dumb Enought to be Rich?", by William Barnett

    flipping properties by William Bronchick and Robert Dahlstrom

    Real Estate Business and Investment Opportunities IRA Wealth

    Subject To Manual - John $Cash$ Locke

    Unofficial Guide to Real Estate Investing

    Investing in Real Estate, 4th ed.

    Real Estate Finance & Investment Manual

    Brian Tracy Maximum Achievement

    Brian Tracy Getting Rich in America

    How To Win Friends And Influence People

    Richest Man in Babylon

    How to Make Big Money in Real Estate by Tyler Hicks

    the 36 hours Real Estate Investing Course

    How to make big money in the Tighter, Tougher 90s -- Hicks

    The Millionare Mind --Thomas Stanley

    Quick LLC --Nolo

    Spin Selling --Neil Rackham

    The Latino Journey to Financial Greatness --Louis Barajas

    Advanced Wiring --Stanley Tools Co.

    The Godfather --Mario Puzo

    Flipping Properties --Bronchick & Dahlstrom

  • LSDH21st November, 2003

    You Can Negotiate Anything - Herb Cohn

    Great book!

  • davidwburns21st November, 2003

    I have read "Buy low, rent smart, sell high" (author?)

    Currently reading "rich dad, poor dad," I heard it was good.

  • alexbdad21st November, 2003

    In process of reading The Weekend Millionaires Secrets to Investing in Real Estate. Recommended in Robert Bruss column 11/16 in Los Angeles Times.


  • gotmike24th November, 2003

    all of the kiyosaki books

    all of the "millionaire next door" books

    all of john t reed's stuff

    the mcgraw hill 36hr guide

    real estate investment and acquisition workbook by howard zuckerman

    real estate finance & investments by brueggeman and fisher

    financial statments by thomas ittelson

    how to argue and win every time by gerry spence

    all of william nickerson's stuff

    all of the guerrilla marketing stuff

    real estate finance & investment manual by jack cummings

    the ten day mba by steven silbiger

    the essentials of real estate economics by dennis mckenzie

  • kmaples24th November, 2003



    Rich Dad Poor Dad – Robert Kiyosaki

    Cashflow Quadrant – Robert Kiyosaki

    RDPD’s Guide to Investing – Robert Kiyosaki

    Retire Young Retire Rich – Robert Kiyosaki

    Prophecy – Robert Kiyosaki

    Real Estate Riches – Robert Kiyosaki , Dolph De Roos

    Real Estate Loopholes – Robert Kiyosaki, Diane Kennedy

    Consulting, Speaking and Seminar Training - Robert Bly

    Multiple Streams of Income - Peter Conti and David Finkel

    Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill

    The Aladdin Factor - Canfield?

    Awaken the Giant Within - Anthony Robbins

    Are you Dumb Enough to be Rich?" - William Barnett

    Flipping Properties - William Bronchick and Robert Dahlstrom

    Real Estate Business and Investment Opportunities IRA Wealth

    Subject To Manual - John $Cash$ Locke

    Unofficial Guide to Real Estate Investing

    Investing in Real Estate, 4th ed.

    Real Estate Finance & Investment Manual

    Brian Tracy Maximum Achievement

    Brian Tracy Getting Rich in America

    How To Win Friends And Influence People

    Richest Man in Babylon

    How to Make Big Money in Real Estate by Tyler Hicks

    the 36 hours Real Estate Investing Course

    How to make big money in the Tighter, Tougher 90s -- Hicks

    The Millionaire Mind --Thomas Stanley

    Quick LLC --Nolo

    Spin Selling --Neil Rackham

    The Latino Journey to Financial Greatness --Louis Barajas

    Advanced Wiring --Stanley Tools Co.

    The Godfather --Mario Puzo

    Flipping Properties --Bronchick & Dahlstrom

    You can negotiate anything – Herb Cohn

    Buy low, rent smart, sell high – (?)

    The Weekend Millionaires Secrets to Investing in Real Estate – (?)

    Real Estate Investment and Acquisition workbook – Howard Zuckerman

    Real Estate Finance & Investments - Brueggeman and fisher

    Financial Statements - Thomas Ittelson

    How to argue and win every time - Gerry Spence

    Real Estate Finance & Investment Manual - jack Cummings

    The Ten Day MBA - Steven Silbiger

    The Essentials of Real Estate Economics - Dennis McKenzie

    The Great Investment - T.D. Jakes

    Consulting, Speaking and Seminar Training - Robert Bly

    Patents, Trademarks & Copyrights - David Rosenbaum

    Titan - Ron Chernow (Rockefeller bio)

    Onassis - William Shawcross (Aristotle Onassis bio)

    How to master the art of selling - Tom Hopkins

    Eat that frog - Brian Tracy

    Just Finished The Invisible Billionaire - Jerry Sheilds (Daniel Ludwig bio)

    CEO - Building a $400 million company from the ground up - (not sure of the author)

    Walk like a Giant – (?)

    Sell like a Madman – (?)

    How to Sell Anything to Anyone – (?)

    Close Every Sale – (?)

    You can Negotiate Anything – (?)

    Getting to Yes – (?)

    Secrets of Question Based Selling – (?)

    Positioning, How I Turned $1000 into $5 Million – (?)

    The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen Covey

    The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding – (?)

    The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership – (?)

    Thomas Jefferson On Leadership – (?)

    The One Minute Millionaire. – (?)

    Maximum Achievement - Brian Tracy

  • nebulousd24th November, 2003


  • jonesoe3024th November, 2003

    On 2003-11-21 01:56, 3qu1ty wrote:
    Multiple Streams of Income ... by Peter Conti and David Finkel

    Multiple Streams of Income by Robert Allen

    Richest Man in Babylon

    Wow!! I didn't think Authors could have the same title...anyways what are the differences in each book? Which did you like better?

  • Ryno-n-AZ29th November, 2003

    How to make millions in 3 years starting with no cash - Tyler Hicks
    The complete guide to buying and seling apartment buildings - Berges


  • rcummings30th November, 2003

    This is a small list of what I've read so far. Mainly motivational, inspirational and real estate.

    1) Deals on wheels by lonnie scruggs
    2) Regions of Opportunity by jack lessinger
    3) Flipping Properties by bronchick/dahlstrom
    4) Unlimited Riches by robert shemin
    5) Teach yourself body language
    6) how to wake up the financial genius inside of you by mark o. haroldsen
    7) How to win friends and influence people by dale carnegie
    7 habits of highly effective people by steven covey
    9) how to be rich by j. paul getty
    10) the art of the deal by donald trump
    11) who moved my cheese by johnson
    12) the greatest saleman in the world by og mandino
    13) the millionaire next door

    I've read to many to list here, this is just a sample.

    I'm waiting for the best of all real estate courses to come in:
    "Subject to thats what I do"
    by John $Cash$ Locke

  • rcummings30th November, 2003


    how I turned $1,000 into five million is by william nickerson

  • kmaples1st December, 2003

    thanks Rcummings! I will update the list shortly.

  • kmaples1st December, 2003


    Have you read any other books specificly on Apartments, or full courses courses for that matter? Just curious.

    I know of the Peter Conti and David finkel's Apartments with little or no down. But it is a little pricey for me right now at over a grand$$$!

  • nebulousd1st December, 2003

    Dave Lindhal has a good course on apartment buildings.

  • kmaples1st December, 2003

    Hey Nebulousd, how are you? I tried searching for Dave Lindhal and didn’t pull up any results, is there a specific website? Thanks

  • chmelf1st December, 2003

    Buy low, rent smart, sell high

    A very good book with a different approach

  • kmaples1st December, 2003

    Here is the Updated list:

    1. Rich Dad Poor Dad – Robert Kiyosaki

    2. Cashflow Quadrant – Robert Kiyosaki

    3. RDPD’s Guide to Investing – Robert Kiyosaki

    4. Retire Young Retire Rich – Robert Kiyosaki

    5. Prophecy – Robert Kiyosaki

    6. Real Estate Riches – Robert Kiyosaki , Dolph De Roos

    7. Real Estate Loopholes – Robert Kiyosaki, Diane Kennedy

    8. Consulting, Speaking and Seminar Training - Robert Bly

    9. Multiple Streams of Income - Peter Conti and David Finkel

    10. Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill

    11. The Aladdin Factor – Jack Canfield

    12. Awaken the Giant Within - Anthony Robbins

    13. Are you Dumb Enough to be Rich?" - William Barnett

    14. Flipping Properties - William Bronchick and Robert Dahlstrom

    15. Real Estate Business and Investment Opportunities IRA Wealth - ???

    16. Subject To Manual - John $Cash$ Locke

    17. Unofficial Guide to Real Estate Investing - Martin Stone

    18. Investing in Real Estate, 4th Ed. - ???

    19. Real Estate Finance & Investment Manual – Jack Cummings

    20. Maximum Achievement - Brian Tracy

    21. Getting Rich in America - Brian Tracy

    22. How To Win Friends And Influence People - Dale Carnegie

    23. Richest Man in Babylon - George S. Clason

    24. How to Make Big Money in Real Estate - Tyler Hicks

    25. The McGraw-Hill 36-hour Real Estate Investing Course – Jack Cummings

    26. How to make big money in the Tighter, Tougher 90s - Hicks

    27. The Millionaire Mind --Thomas Stanley

    28. Quick LLC --Nolo

    29. Spin Selling --Neil Rackham

    30. The Latino Journey to Financial Greatness --Louis Barajas

    31. Advanced Wiring --Stanley Tools Co.

    32. The Godfather --Mario Puzo

    33. Flipping Properties --Bronchick & Dahlstrom

    34. You can negotiate anything – Herb Cohn

    35. Buy low, Rent smart, Sell high – Andy Heller

    36. The Weekend Millionaires Secrets to Investing in Real Estate – Mike Summey, Roger Dawson

    37. Real Estate Investment and Acquisition workbook – Howard Zuckerman

    38. Real Estate Finance & Investments - Brueggeman and fisher

    39. Financial Statements - Thomas Ittelson

    40. How to argue and win every time - Gerry Spence

    41. Real Estate Finance & Investment Manual - jack Cummings

    42. The Ten Day MBA - Steven Silbiger

    43. The Essentials of Real Estate Economics - Dennis McKenzie

    44. The Great Investment - T.D. Jakes

    45. Consulting, Speaking and Seminar Training - Robert Bly

    46. Patents, Trademarks & Copyrights - David Rosenbaum

    47. Titan - Ron Chernow (Rockefeller bio)

    48. Onassis - William Shawcross (Aristotle Onassis bio)

    49. How to master the art of selling - Tom Hopkins

    50. Eat that frog - Brian Tracy

    51. The Invisible Billionaire - Jerry Sheilds (Daniel Ludwig bio)

    52. CEO - Building a $400 million company from the ground up - Sandra L. Kurtzig, Tom Parker

    53. Walk like a Giant, Sell like a Madman – Ralph R. Roberts, With John Gallagher

    54. Who Dare Sells: The Ultimate Guide to Selling Anything to Anyone – Patrick Ellis

    55. How to Close Every Sale – Joe Girard

    56. You can Negotiate Anything – Herb Cohen

    57. Getting to Yes – Roger Fisher, William Ury, Bruce Patton

    58. Secrets of Question Based Selling – Thomas A. Freese

    59. Positioning, How I Turned $1000 into $5 Million – ???

    60. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen Covey

    61. The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding – Al Ries, Laura Ries

    62. The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership – John C. Maxwell, Foreword by Zig Ziglar

    63. Thomas Jefferson on Leadership – Coy Barefoot

    64. The One Minute Millionaire – Mark Victor Hansen, Robert G. Allen

    65. Maximum Achievement - Brian Tracy

    66. How to Buy and Sell Apartment Buildings – Vollucci

    67. How to Buy and Sell Apartments – Zick

    68. Buying Systems – Norris

    69. How to Talk So People Listen - Sonay Hamlin

    70. Smart Talk "The Art of Savvy Business Conversation" - Roberta Roesch

    71. E-myth - Michael Gerber

    72. Deals on wheels - Lonnie Scruggs

    73. Regions of Opportunity - Jack Lessinger

    74. Flipping Properties - Bronchick / Dahlstrom

    75. Unlimited Riches - Robert Shemin

    76. Teach yourself body language - Gordon Wainright

    77. How to wake up the financial genius inside of you - Mark O. Haroldsen

    78. How to win friends and influence people - Dale Carnegie

    79. Habits of highly effective people - Steven Covey

    80. How to be rich - j. Paul Getty

    81. The art of the deal - Donald Trump

    82. Who moved my cheese – Spencer Johnson

    83. The Greatest Salesman in the World - Og Mandino, George

    84. The Millionaire Next Door - Thomas J. Stanley, William D. Danko

    85. How I turned $1,000 into five million is - William Nickerson

    86. How to make millions in 3 years starting with no cash - Tyler Hicks

    87. The complete guide to buying and selling apartment buildings - Berges

    ANYMORE????????????? [ Edited by kmaples on Date 12/01/2003 ]

  • Nievana141st December, 2003

    I'm currently reading
    Making Big Money Investing in Real
    Making Big Money Investing in Foreclosures
    Both by Peter Conti and David Finkel


  • Kitjai262nd December, 2003

    I'm currently reading:

    Make It Big! 49 Secrets for Building a Life of Extreme Success
    ~Frank McKinney

    I just finished reading:

    Rich Dad, Poor Dad
    ~Robert T. Kiyosaki

    I'm about to purchase:

    Rich Dad's Cashflow Quadrant
    ~Robert T. Kiyosaki

  • Ryno-n-AZ3rd December, 2003

    Hey K,

    Great list so far! Guess what I have forwarded as a Christmas wish list?
    The 2 I listed are the only apartment books I have read. Most of the other stuff I have read is already on the list as well.



  • InActive_Account7th December, 2003

    Investing in Fixer-Uppers. - Jay p. Decima
    Buy It, Fix It, Sell It, Profit.- Keven C. Meyers
    Ziglar on Selling. - Zig Ziglar
    Multiple Streams of Income. - Robert Allen
    Rich Dad Poor Dad. - Robert Kiyosaki
    One Minute Millionaire - Robert Allen
    Wealth In a Decade - Brett Machtig

    Have Multiple Streams of Income by Peter Conti and David Finkel on Hard Drive in process of reading it now.

    Thanx Kmaple for keeping a running list. Great Idea. Good LIst
    [ Edited by wpruett on Date 12/07/2003 ]

  • rein8057th December, 2003

    Real Estate Investments and How to Make Them -- Milt Tanzer

    Make Money with Small Income Properties -- Gary Eldred

    See You at the Top -- Zig Ziglar

    Zig Ziglar's Secrets of closing the Sale -- Zig Ziglar

    These are the one's I've read that I didn't see listed

    Great list!


  • fiafa7th December, 2003

    For "really" interesting ideas that can open your mind and apply to real estate, read Multiple Streams of Internet Income by Robert Allen.

    The concepts are what attracted me to this book, and concepts can be applied to any field.

    Also: Improve the Value of Your Home by Robert Irwin. Really interesting reading for fix and flip ideas.


  • ahabion8th December, 2003

    umm... wow lots of readers here. well.. i have to agree with many of the finkel and conti fans that they have some good books. got done with making big $ in RE and Foreclosures, and multiple streams of income...

    one thing that is questionable to add in some of your eyes is

    The Bible- By God.


  • Lufos8th December, 2003

    I read an awful lot. Always have Lucius

    The Art of Japanese Joinery

    Zen Buddhism parables & Koans

    The Art of War Sun Tzu

    Quick Guide to Foreclosure Law Westland REview

    Book of Five Rings Musashi

    Wrinkles in Time Stephen Hawking

    A Fortune At Your Feet A.D.Kessler

    At the Sign of the Reine Pedauque
    Anatole France

    Archy & Mehitable Don Marquis

    Handbook for Titlemen TICOR

    Mobile Dwelling Unit Lot-EK

    The Book Of Scams L.Foster
    2nd Edition

  • Olga8th December, 2003

    Big list
    I like books that give know-how especially for beginners.
    Flipping Properties is good, but would be better if you read "Secrets of a millionaire real estate investor" by R.Shemin or "Unlimited Riches" by the same author. He has very simple language and explains everything you need to know to have you started.
    Very good book is "The real estate investor's tax guide" by V.Hoven.
    Rich Dad series for me was not informational enough, but it got me started, I would recommend to read only RDPD or instead Richest Man in Babylon - same idea, less water.
    I would recommend also to get Nolo press books if you plan to have LLC. Get "Your Limited Liability Company" - how to manage your business witout getting in trouble. "How to form your LLC" - borrow in the library, coz you do not need it every day.
    In California for beginners I'd say to read
    "How to buy a house in California".
    Last books mentioned were by Nolo press.

    I would really love to read Mr. Foster's book, but I think he is bloody joking on us poor people
    Lucius, if you ever consider writing one I am ready to come over and type it for you.

  • Rogue8th December, 2003

    Hi kmaples,

    I noticed you had questions marks next to a couple of the books I submitted.
    #'s 15 & 18 to be specfic.

    #15 should be:

    Real Estate Business and Investment Opportunities by Bryan Wittenmyer

    IRA Wealth by Patrick W. Rice, Jennifer Dirks should be another title

    #18 should be:
    Investing in Real Estate, Fourth Edition by Andrew McLean & Gary W. Eldred

    Thanks for keeping this list updated

  • benny2228th December, 2003

    Hey Everybody,

    This is what I have read over the past two weeks..all of them are good..some offer more incentive than info but they were all still worth the money I spent.

    Making Big Money in Investing in Real Estate w/o Tenants,Banks, or Rehab Projects..Conti & Finkel

    Secrets of Buying and Selling Real Estate w/o using your own money..Robert Shemin

    The Complete Guide to Flipping Properties..Steve Berges

    Selling RE w/o paying taxes-Richard Williamson

    The Weekend Millionaires secrets to investing in RE-Mike Summey and Roger Dawson

    Make Money with condos and townhouses-Gary Eldred

    Flipping Properties-William Bronchick and Robert Dahlstrom

    Homemade Money- The definitive guide to success in a home business-Barbara Brabec..this one has good marketing and advertising strategies.


  • kmaples9th December, 2003

    Hello everyone, and thank you for sharing your best reads, make sure your saving a copy for your self (copy and paste in Word). Now I use this list and highlight the books I have read while I continue down the list, it makes a great reference tool.

    I will be updating the list shortly, so in the meantime keep reading and keep them coming!

  • myfrogger9th December, 2003

    Emai joel and ask him to put a list of this books in the FAQ possibly...

  • Gonzo10th December, 2003

    How to Buy Real Estate (profits and pitfalls)
    Marketing Investment Real Estate (Messner, Schreiber, Lyon and Ward)


  • kmaples10th December, 2003


    I was going to post it as an Article, would the FAQ be better?

  • kmaples23rd December, 2003

    thank you all for your reply's I am updating this right now and will post an article shortly with the new list.

    Again thanks,

    and Happy Holidays to all!!!

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