What Are Your Stumbling Blocks On The Path To Real Estate Success?

Everyone has stumbling blocks to success. If not overcome, these blocks ultimately lead to failure, which is why you need to identify your blocks quickly and figure out a way to eliminate them. For some people it’s time management. Many folks go to bed at night without accomplishing any important real estate tasks throughout the day. As most people know, I am a “crazy” person when it comes to time management. Every night before I go to bed, I fill out my “to do” list for the next day. And probably the most important time management technique that I use is time blocking. I block out certain times throughout the day, specifically for my marketing, phone calls, and other tasks. For example, everyday from 6:00 am - 6:30 am you could stuff envelopes, or search craigslist for properties (BE DISCIPLINED and keep the same “time blocks” every day. I am never going to stop harping about this). Another stumbling block is of course fear (irrational fear). This has stopped more individuals from creating a real estate fortune than any other stumbling block. Remember these words, action cures fear. Also, when you are afraid, ask yourself, “what is the worst that could happen?” If it won’t kill you and it’s not illegal, then there is not much to worry about.

Lack of self-confidence. To cure this, think positive and read the following books: “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill and “The Magic of Thinking Big” by David Schwartz.

Then there are blocks such as negative family, friends, spouse, etc. You just need to ignore these folks. They are just jealous that you have the guts to change your lifestyle and do something special with your life.

On a sheet of paper I want you to write down your top three stumbling blocks. Then I want you to write the ways that you are going to overcome these blocks so that by next month you’ll be well on your way to kicking more butt and making more money.


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