What Are You Afraid Of?

I received this in an email and just wanted to share it...

Have you ever wondered just what you are afraid of? What stops you from taking the next step forward that will keep you on the path of achieving your goals?

The reason for most people's fear is buried deep within themselves. A low level of self-confidence and self-esteem makes us feel unhappy about ourselves. Because our thoughts are based on feelings of inadequacy, we set our boundaries and standards very low and achieve little in our lives.

One of the greatest realizations that you may ever experience in your life is that the emotion of fear is part of being human. It's perfectly normal to experience misgivings and doubts!

Fear will never go away no matter how self-confident or successful we are.

The key to overcoming our fears is to feel good about ourselves and think positively. We can then begin to use the energy that fear creates positively in our lives.

A really simple way of beginning to understand your fears is to get a piece of paper and make a list of what makes you feel most afraid. Alongside each entry, write down the action that you will take in order to overcome that fear. Give it a go!


  • Ladybug30th October, 2003

    A great article!

    True, fear is part of being human. Fear is also very powerful, it can paralize you.

    All our emotions are based on fear, even love!

    When you love somebody, there is the fear of losing that person to: somebody else, death, sickness, etc.

    We can not control anybody, only ourselves!

    The best way to control fear is to control your thoughts, your thoughts create emotions, but also your emotions create thoughts.

    You can get a handle on your thoughts, but not on your emotions. So the best way to control your emotions, like fear is one of them, is to control your thoughts!

    Think positive, think about all you CAN do, not about what you cannot do.

    Build yourself up, in your thoughts, if you have low self-esteem. Think about all the good things you have done in your life, the obstacles you have overcome, take you time to do that; change will come slowly, not overnight. Keep thinking the positive thoughts, act according to your positive thoughts, your buil-up of your self-esteem.

    Do NOT compare yourself with somebody else, you are unique, there has never been and there will never be another person just like you! Do NOT envy anybody, work on what you want and FOCUS on what you want, it will happen!

    Don't get into the trap of "the gr***** is greener at the other side of the road", it just looks that way, it is a mirage. Set your goals, little ones first, you got to crawl before you can walk or run. Reward yourself for every little goal that you achieve, and go to the next one. You'd be surprised how fast things go if you concentrate, focus, on every step of your way to the big goal.

    Fear is a very useful emotion and a very horrible emotion. Use fear in a positive way.

    Eliminate the words "can not do...", they fill with fear, they will paralize you.

    Instead think of all you can do!

    Look at all the positives in your life - count your blessings! - and buil on them.

    A good book to read about positive thinking has been written by Norman Vincent Peale: "The Power of Positive Thinking"

    This book opened the world for me at a very bad time in my life, many, many years ago, and it changed my life.

    Also: don't keep making the same mistakes over and over, expecting different results, it will not happen! Making the same mistakes over and over again instills fear in a person.

    I wish y'all good times and happy thoughts!


  • tnachieve31st October, 2003

    What are most of us afraid of? Failure. What if..syndrome. If one is afraid, for example, of obtaining a property. Set up goals for yourself. Set 10 goals and take one at a time and pursue them. Look at those goals everyday. Tell yourself that you will get this property and you are now one step closer, after you accomplish your first goal. Give yourself a treat for accomplishments. Buy yourself something you have wanted after accomplishing each goal. Strive each day to do something towards that goal...whether it is listening to real estate CD's in the car, reading, going on this website, marketing yourself...something. Tell yourself each day, several times a day that you WILL do this. Each thought has to be positive. Each word has to be positive. You cannot say, "I think" i can. No. there is no room for "I think". The sentence in your head has to be positive. "I WILL do this today". I WILL accomplish this by tomorrow. etc.... It's all in one's head on how they think and what they talk about in their minds. Everyone is afraid, but, one has to go ahead and stop thinking of the negatives of being afraid and pursue what they want to achieve in their life. One will never move ahead if one consistently thinks they cannot do. CANNOT DO should not be in anyone's dictionary. I WILL DO will lead you towards the positive way of life in accomplishing what you want to do.


  • Lufos31st October, 2003

    When I was a small child of about five. My parents were given allowances by their parents just to stay away. You see they were alcoholics. So they became Anthropoligists.

    First to Japan, second day there my sainted mother staggers down the street and drops me off at a Japanese School. I do not speak Japanese. So for the next six months it was not a happy time. But at the end of it I spoke Japanese and imitated all their customs and morays.

    Shortly thereafter, they take off for China, go about 60 kliks up the Pearl River and get off at the roaring little village of Namlong. The next day right on schedule they drag me up the hill to the school and there I am. I do not speak Chinese, but after about six months of a really hellish time, I do.

    Not satisfied with that they move on to the little town of Cebu in the Philippines. Once again same thing, drop me off at a school and I learn this time two dialects. Seems they are trying to standardize the language. But I survive and in six months I can stick my playmates with a butterfly knife like as if I had been born there. I can eat a Baloot from the egg and pick my teeth with the feathers.

    Time passes, they return to the land of my birth. Beverly Hills California. Once again to a school called El Rodeo Elementary School. Only this time while I have a funny accent I pick up the language real easy.

    Life improves, the food is steady, the clothes clean and the people sort of look like me. I am in heaven.

    Now that I look back on those times, I only see a lot of fearful thinking at each turn of circumstances. But as time went by I adjusted to each society and the fear left. As it left I could accomplish almost any task. That is except one.

    I was terrible at picking up girls. Never learned to do that correctly. I have been turned down in all of the countries of the world and in most of the languages. The word NO is full of impact when delivered with the correct negative twist.

    For awhile I thought it must be my accent which of course is present in all languages. But no it was not that, what could it be?

    Finaly one of my teachers at El Rodeo communicated to me the truth. It was not the inflections of speach. It was the fact that I was green, fat and had funny horns growing out of my head. My ears flapped in the wind.

    Once having realized the problem I quickly compensated for these small personal disadvantages.

    When I approached a girl to achieve companionship. I merely reached into my pocket and produced money. Yes Yes, that was it, the universal means of acceptance it works. Everybody likes to date the Green Kid.

    The moral of this little charade. Forget all the psy talk, do not look within yourself. Do not hum Mantras and look for Divine Revalation.

    It's the money man. Concentrate on that. Do good but remember its the Money.

    Happy Halloween, see I do not need a costume.

    Philisophicaly, Lucius

    • omega128th January, 2004 Reply

      Just wonder how much did a girl from El Rodeo cost in that time?

      As described, the money becomes the meter of compensation. The meter of leverage, where the relation is reduced to a basic instinct of survival. So much for the advancement of civilization.

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