What Am I Doing Wrong? - Lis Pendens

Hi. I have been direct mailing certain people with lis pendens - 3 months behind on payment - for about 2 months now to find sub-to deals....and I haven't gotten much if any real response/leads.

Do any of you direct mail to these people? Have you had any success? What are some "quotes" you put in your letter? How long is your letter?

I've put things like "I give solutions that RE agents can't" and "Call me at 555-5555 if you have a high degree of motivation to sell your property under terms, conditions, and/or price that work for me as an investor" and "something is better than nothing" and "call me to see if I can help you".

Thanks for any input,


  • ligem3rd December, 2003


    it could be that your letter is conveying the wrong message. I don't know for sure but I can tell that my reaction to one of the sentences you posted.....well was a turn off.

    You see when people are having a difficult time, they do not care about what works for you. They are trying to keep the lights on if you know what I mean.

    One of your sentences said something like...blah, blah, blah "if the terms work for me" or something like that. I believe that type of wording is a turn off. I realize that the language that you are using is an attempt to exercise control at the beginning of the process. But, I believe that you can do it in a more subtle fashion.

    You need to establish initial contact with something that will establish that you may have a solution to their problem and it could be a win win.

    If you email me a sample of the letters that you are sending out, I will provide my 2 cents about content. Sometimes it is worth having another set of eyes on our material.

    I will PM my personal email address.

  • classimg3rd December, 2003

    The approach we recommend is to present a success story in the advertising. We agree that the person losing their home to foreclosure is experiencing "the worst" imaginable situation. As the investor remain realistic when approaching this type of adult. Remember that kind words, compassion, sensitivity, and patience will build rapport which is invaluable to complete the transaction. The best story told is one of a happy ending. Get your story and present it with integrity.

    Best of luck,
    Eric & Rosa

  • jackman3rd December, 2003

    as others have said, try to excercise restraint at what you wish to do. the goal is to get them to reply to you, not make them feel more down in the dumps for being in the predicament they're in. i use stuff like "i'm a small time investor" and "no pressure on you to call" and "we can figure out a way to help you". with these, i've gotten a great response rate on my mailings, which i target very tight, i don't do mass mailings. also because i don't mail until the sale date is within weeks - this way they have more urgency to resolve. in the beginning, people will have 101 ways to clear it up before then, so they (in thier minds) have no reason to call you.

    if you reword and take a more compassionate point of view, they may feel better about contacting you - and your leads will soar! good luck.

  • BAMZ4th December, 2003

    Hi Brain,

    I usually tell people that is doesnt matter what your letters/postcards say, just continue to market to the same people regularly. Most investors only send 1-3 mailings and then give up. I generally dont get a call until the 4-6 mailing. Be Persistant.

    Now I may be off base by saying that it doesnt matter what you say in your mailings, because in reality it does. As Eric and Rosa said, tell them a warm and fuzzy story of how you have helped someone else or how you can help them to a happy ending. Tell them that you specialize in helping people in this type of situation and that if needed you can help them relocate or give them some moving money. Along with that good and fuzzy feeling, give them other reasons to call you too! For example:

    "Call for details on how
    to get Moving MONEY"

    "Call for details on how to
    get a FREE Moving Truck"

    "Call for details on how to
    STOP FORECLOSURE In its Tracks"

    Call for details on Immediate
    FREE Solutions to your situation!

    Best of Success!


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