What A Twist!

I have several close friends of mine that I've known for years and I just barely found out that most of them are agent/realtors and brokers and they all found out about me beign an investor as well so after talking for hours about how we can all help one another they are all very interested in joining my network group but there's only one problem.... they all want me to teach them how to be CREATIVE agents/realtor AND CREATIVE broker .... they are all willing to be educated BUT I have no clue on how to teach them how to be creative agents/realtors/brokers... I'm like huh? What? uh? How? gulp! :-(

Goldmine BEV LOL


  • rjs935211th April, 2004

    Thanks for the story. Is there a question that goes with it or is it just for our general knowledge? LOL

    Maybe you can teach them out to help out a creative investor?

  • tinman175512th April, 2004

    I have found out that being creative comes with experience. I am not sure with what you want to be creative with?
    For me being creative is looking at all of the possibilites a deal has, then analizing which one gets me the best return on my money.



  • goldmine12th April, 2004

    Hi Lori,

    Long time no see, I guess I've been out of this forum for a while but since I missed you guys so much I had to come back grin
    Anyway, about my post.... my friends (broker/agen/realtor) they all are use to the traditional ways of doing their biz and don't know any other way, so I guess what they want from me (since they joined my network) is to learn from me how to do things the creative way which I have no clue on how to doing this from a mtg broker point of view nor agent's :-(

    Any volunteers? lol


  • rjs935213th April, 2004

    The only real thing the agent can do is present a seller with other ways they can have the property handled. By this I mean the agent could tell the owner about this investor they know which happens to be *drumroll* please....YOU.

    If the agent brings up the idea of owner carry financing, sub2, or L/O then the homeowner will probably be alot more receptive to it. How does an agent become a "CREATIVE" agent. I guess by taking deals where there is no equity to pay for a realtor and bring you in to work something out? I'm not sure because realtors have to follow a set of rules. Same with the mortgage broker. Maybe they can bring you tenant buyers whose financing fell through or people who didn't qualify for a refi. Perhaps your mortgage broker can find you a program that allows investors to get into properties with 5% down as a non-owner occupied. Really as agents or mortgage brokers there is only so much they can do. It's not like investing where you can pick a niche and go after it, because agents are supposed to do one thing. Same goes for the mortgage broker.

    That's the best I can come up with.

    Ryan J. Schnabel

  • rjs935213th April, 2004

    Oh yeah....the kicker. They are being creative because they are able to help more people out by bringing you in. You can them money they usually wouldn't be able to get by helping the people out. That's creative.

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