Were We Just Hit By A 6.4 Earth Quake In CA?

Hi all,

Just concerned about others living in San Bernardino, CA area that were hit by a 6.4 earth quake (according to news) just few minutes ago (11:30 CA time).

I sure felt it strong! downer


  • rein80522nd December, 2003

    Yes we were. It was in the San Luis Obispo area. In Oxnard it felt like a wave. It seemed to last for a while.

    Hope no one was hurt.


  • edmeyer22nd December, 2003

    My building rocked for quite a while. News reports so far indicate little damage. Are you in Pleasonton or Tracy today?

  • goldmine22nd December, 2003

    Ed I'm in Pleasanton and got very sick with the Motion EarthQuatke effect but I'm recooping very well.. it was a nasty feeling

    I got your call and will return it soon

  • Lufos22nd December, 2003

    It was about 7 miles NorthEast of San Simian Castle. It was a 6.5 and the natives have all evacuated the castle. No not because of the earthquake. It is such a perusion of bad taste, poor design and the ghost of dear Randolf and Marion screaming at each other. The lambchop to the head of Marion all of this brought back by just a little rocking of the boat. Wanna buy a castle? It's a little rocky...... Lucius[ Edited by Lufos on Date 12/22/2003 ]

  • mjdreal22nd December, 2003

    I felt it down here in Bakersfield,Ca as well,,,felt like being on a boat,,,,,,,MD

  • scr200122nd December, 2003

    I didn't feel a thing. I'm in Glendale. But it's all over the news. I was on the phone with a mortgage broker.

  • omega122nd December, 2003

    Didn't feel a thing here in Marina Del Rey. Peaty, because I love the shakes! They las for a moment and then they are gone so what is so big deal about them?

    Honestly hoping that another one will hit soon close to home so we can start buying and making some moeny.

    The Northrige one made my friends milioners, buying minimall damaged bildings for pennies on a dollar. In that time I was walking shaky NY w. STREET market shaken economy ... It felt 10 time wort without shakeing.

  • Samw22nd December, 2003

    Maybe I am missing something,but are you actually wishing for a earthquake to make money?

    You need an attitude rehaul I would think.
    My Idea of real estate was that its helping people in distress and making money and not wishing people get into distress so that you can make money
    what if the next earthqauake hits your home...can i come and buy it at pennies to the dollar?

    Maybe Iam missing something here

  • WheelerDealer22nd December, 2003

    samw, I read 6 times. you didnt miss a thing.

    2 people died. 1 missing.

    However, i think ,or hope, what omega1 is referring to is similar to the people who say war is good for the economy , because it is.

    It is a easy mark for an opportunity, I hope he doest want anybody to get hurt.

  • goldmine22nd December, 2003

    Opportunity or not,.... My heart goes out to the victims and their families

  • omega122nd December, 2003

    Thank you WheelerDealer.

    What I wuld like to see is some kind of disruption of the currently predictable stalmate that keep the people unemployed while driving the home price true the roof. I want to see the change that would resemble the braking of the iron clad.

    At the momnet, maincore economy doesn move so all the money goes to "safe" RE, making homes less and less afordable for many people who cant even get the job. And by wishing what I wish, I am wishing more problems to be solved then a buying foreclosure does by striping the people of their equity, what I consider to border the crime.

    However, it is hard to say something like I sad about quackes because it is politicaly sensitive and higly provocative...

    Like war in Iraq... it takes vision and leadership to move the word forward.

    Safe players like goldmine's "My har goes..." never change the things. Just keep it qiet and smuth whn in fact who know what she think in her head. What do you relly think goldmine?

    BTW, my hart goes hand in hend with yours and when we arive let go my hand...I like you but..you know...you are a bit overweight...

    Check this out:

    omega1[ Edited by omega1 on Date 12/23/2003 ]

  • omega123rd December, 2003

    Thank you WheelerDealer.

    What I wuld like to see is some kind of disruption of the currently predictable stalmate that keep the people unemployed while driving the home price true the roof. I want to see the change that would resemble the braking of the iron clad.

    At the momnet, maincore economy doesn move so all the money goes to "safe" RE, making homes less and less afordable for many people who cant even get the job. And by wishing what I wish, I am wishing more problems to be solved then a buying foreclosure does by striping the people of their equity, what I consider to border the crime.

    However, it is hard to say something like I sad about quackes because it is politicaly sensitive and higly provocative...

    Like war in Iraq... it takes vision and leadership to move the word forward.

    Safe players like goldmine's "My har goes..." never change the things. Just keep it qiet and smuth whn in fact who know what she think in her head. What do you relly think goldmine?

    BTW, my hart goes hand in hend with yours and when we arive let go my hand...I like you but..you know...you are a bit overweight...


  • jpchapboy23rd December, 2003

    Pretty still here in Utah. Fact is I have no idea what that kind of quake feels like and I hope I never find out. The only quake I've ever felt was a tiny little tremmor in LA several years ago.

  • WheelerDealer23rd December, 2003

    where in utah are you?

  • Rogue23rd December, 2003

    Didn't feel a thing here in Cucamonga...

    I was talking to some family in the san gabriel valley who apparently did not feel it either.

  • caterina23rd December, 2003

    I will admit - that here in Chicago - I have no idea what an earthquake feels like - or destroys.

    I believe that all who come here are extraordinaryly ambitious - and that is an admirable quality. We all have a desire to make money in real estate -

    But... we are not ambulance chasers...

    My heart and thoughts go out to those that are suffering...

    Maybe we can all rally together here and offer our unified emotional support....

    Perhaps I wear my heart on my sleeve... feel free to post any thoughts.

    Happy Holidays

  • goldmine23rd December, 2003

    I agree with you 200% .. with the holidays already here and then this tragic here in CA is really sad.
    Even though I'm used to earthquakes here in CA like many others out here it's still schoking to feel and see the ground from under your feet move and see buildings shake and hear them squeek

    Once again, my thoughts & heart to the victims and loved ones.

    Merry Christmas!

  • InActive_Account23rd December, 2003

    I lived in Paso Robles for 6 years. It is weird looking at the pics showing the damage in the down town area.

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