How Does One Change Their User Name On This Site?

Is it possible? If so, please advise. I would appreciate it.


  • joel5th October, 2005

    You must purchase a username change. This prevents Security Issues and problems within the database.

  • NewKidInTown326th November, 2005

    Why not just register as new user with a different screen name when your current subscription expires?

  • krish30th November, 2005

    Here is one option.
    Get the property into a land trust with the
    current owner as the beneficiary and you as the trustee. Then purchase the property on a "subto" deal
    and you can pay the owner for the equity.
    Now make sure any hazard insurance transaction
    changes are made at the time the land trust is setup.
    If done later and the lender is notified, they could call
    on the loan.
    As a backup plan, i would look for an investor loan
    right now. If you state it to become a rental property,
    who knows. You could still get a loan.
    If the worse comes to worst and the lender calls, you
    will be better off switching.

    Folks, please feel free to contradict if something is
    wrong with my statement.


  • mcole30th November, 2005

    Another thing to remember is that you will most likely have to deal with both spouses – which can get a little sticky.

    I might suggest sitting down with both of them at the same time when you present your offer. You don’t want one person thinking you’re siding with the other one. You want them both to think you’re looking out for their best interest.

    My 2¢

  • NewKidInTown31st December, 2005

    What is the mortgage balance?

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