Another PM Question....
Hi again all...
So I opted to not upgrade my membership beyond the free access to the forums. Simple reason is that I do not use this site for any lead generation or much for personal education in my chosen field. I really just come to hang out and try and answer questions as appropriate and time permits.
That being said, I do not have access to the PM features on this site. Despite that, I appear to still be getting new PM's sent to me, which I am obviously unable to retrieve and respond to. Is there anyway that the site can be set up such that free subscribers don't have a PM box so that people don't PM me and then think I am rude for not responding since I can't access it?
Probably the best way to get this answered is for you to send Joel an email.
thanks Nancy-
I followed your advice. Looks like the answer is that people will just have to think me rude when they send me a PM and I don't answer! Hard to read them when I can't access them.
You can put a message in your signature indicating that you do not have access to PM's so people should not try to send you a PM. That at least puts people on notice so they do not think you are rude.
Thanks John,
Good idea! If I did it right it is already done!
maybe it is working now??