Web Sites

cool grin Looking for a good web site wher i can do comparables and check taxes and deeds.
Anyone can help?


  • Shirley26th January, 2004

    www.domania.com is a good one to check back to past sales to 1987. They have some other useful information on there as well. www.homesales.basis100.com/home_sales_report is through Wells Fargo and shows past sales for a particular radius around a property address. Keep in mind that both of these only work on single-families....they have never worked for me on even so much as a duplex.

    As far as taxes, etc, that would be done through your county. Some counties are available on the internet....you just have to search a bit for the right web site. My county charges $6 to access EACH record on the internet...so I do it the old-fashioned way and drive to the courthouse.

  • tinman175526th January, 2004

    Try the county web site for the property you are looking at. most will show comparables, taxes, what property was bought for, rooms, square footage, air or not , garage or not, lot size, and many other details

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