"We Buy Houses" And "Rent To Own" Ads

Hello, I'm brand new to REI. Over the last several weeks just about all of my free time has been expended on researching by reading books internet sites. I've really enjoyed this site in particular.

I have a couple quick questions concerning the "We Buy Houses" ads I see in the newspaper. I counted 17 of them in todays. Of course they were all worded slightly different and I realize the goal would be to somehow set mine apart from all of the others. However, I just can't help thinking that anyone scanning the paper in this section would get really confused.

So, my question is does this really work? Is it worth the money when so many others are already there?

As for the "Rent to Own" ads, I haven't seen any in my local newspaper. Is this uncommon? Maybe I'm not looking in the right area. Please advise.

When looking for a T/B does anyone out there use the real estate section of the newspaper or do other means of prospecting bring better results?

Thank you everyone in advance,
J. Linz


  • Ibuyexpensivehomes23rd January, 2005

    My guess would be that something is working if so many people are on board. Why don't you pick up the phone and call some of these other "investors". You could flat out ask them how the ads are working for them. Another suggestion to find out what is working in your area is to join a local RE investment group. Another thing you could try is calling the for rent ads and asking the owner if they would like to sell. Sometimes they tried to sell but couldn't and are stuck renting it out. Rent to Own could also fall under the heading Lease/Options depending on your paper. Happy hunting!

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