Way To Go $Cash$

2000 posts of great advice and counting.

Congratulations on getting over the hurdle. I KNOW it has been an uphill climb.

Now you only have 1871 more posts for “Big Kahuna”

John (LV)


  • DaveREI18th October, 2003

    good advice...that's what you do...

    kudo's John...

  • JohnLocke18th October, 2003

    John LV & Dave,

    Thank you, on the 2000 posts.

    I only have one question what is P.I.T.I.?

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • DaveREI18th October, 2003

    is something you will never receive from me (pity)

  • InActive_Account19th October, 2003

    It's wonderful that John is so generous
    with his time and advice.

    John's 2000th post encourages me because by next month I should be
    Y2K complient.

    Congratulation John.

  • killenjw19th October, 2003

    Just for my own sake PITI is...
    Principal, Interest, Tax, and Insurance

    Good Question Mr. Locke,


  • joel19th October, 2003

    Let me start.


    For he's a jolly good fellow....

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