Washington Mutuals REO Dept. Phone Number

I've tryed calling and emailing them but to no avail. Would any one happen to have the phone number of the REO dept that deals with REO's in Southern CA?

Thanks a lot,


  • Jimbezy14th January, 2004

    No one has delt with them before?

  • Lufos14th January, 2004

    May I suggest you call the designated Trustee. Right on their form is the Telephone number and sometimes the address of the REO. Remember you get different locations, so to be connected with the right one. Start with the Trustee. Call the Trustee, give him the Trustee Number. From that he will be able to give you the correct REO Officer er Clerk and the Loan Number.

    You can also get it from getting a copy of the NOD which is a recorded copy and on that is also the correct designated number and address.

    If totaly hung out and have a vision problem then go to the Property Owner and ask them. While there you might pick up a copy of the envelope and copy of the NOD take it for future reference in case you wish at some time in your career to move to the next level. "King of the Mountain"

    Cheers Lucius

  • Jimbezy15th January, 2004

    Thanks for the info Lucius, but this has been a REO since 01', I found it by chance wile looking at other houses. So I would have to go and look up the old NOD witch would probily be tidious to say the least. I think I found a number to one of Wash. Mut. branches in some of my old notes, I think I'll try that.

    Thanks a lot,
    James[ Edited by Jimbezy on Date 01/15/2004 ]

  • EUREO16th January, 2004


    How do you know it is still for sale? [ Edited by EUREO on Date 01/16/2004 ]

  • Jimbezy16th January, 2004

    Technicaly its not for sale, but I know Wash. Mut. Owns it and its vacent.

  • joel16th January, 2004

    If you guys need an update to the FAQ area. Let me know.

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