FDIC warning regarding mortgage & debt consolidation Ads

Read more here:

Know who you are doing business with!

Derrick Ali surprised


  • 64Ford11th September, 2003


    Thanks for the post / warning!

  • RepoMan12th September, 2003


    Great Post!!
    I have owned a Private Detective Agency for several years now and specialize in the detection and prevention of Identity Theft. Identy Theft is at an all time high. With all of the information available today via the internet, you would be shocked to know just how simple it is to obtain someones information including S/S #. ALWAYS know who you are dealing with!! NEVER give anyone your S/S# or Date of Birth, no matter what it is for, over the phone or on the net. Although in 2002 there were around 7000 cases of identity theft reported in NYC, these were only the reported numbers. There were actually closer to 30,000 cases in one year alone. Calling someone with the pretext of being a mortgage company and having the ability to offer a lower rate usually gets someone excited and willing to "complete an application over the phone". More and More fraudulent companies are springing up on a daily basis. Once they have your info, you are pretty much finished. They will destroy your credit before you even have a clue and they are off to thier next scam. I know of many folks that have had thier identity stolen and it has costed them hundreds of hours, thousands of dollars and many sleepless nights attempting to repair what someone did in just a few hours of scamming.


  • njyoungvet27th September, 2003

    Thats right
    Thats why I invested $30 on a paper shredder and I shred all those preapproved cc applications, phone bills, etc.

    Just my 2 cents

  • Ladybug27th September, 2003

    DerrickAli, I have tried to get to that website, it shows up "error", is there any other way I can get to that website, without having to be a member of it?

    I am interested in reading the article.

    Thanks in advance,


  • DerrickAli27th September, 2003


    Unfortunately the www.MortgageDaily.com website is a member Only site so to read Articles you must give an Email Adress and Username.

    The Information provided there is focused on the Mortgage Lending Industry, Realtors, and Real Estate-Related Professionals, etc.

    I could send you a complete copy of the Article just private mail me or give them a throw away Email Address if you wish.

    I hope this Help!!!


    The Federal Govt. through the new anti-terrorist PATRIOT ACT will REQUIRE ALL BANKS, LENDING INSTITUTIONS, STOCK BROKERS, MUTUAL FUND MANAGERS AND TRAVEL AGENTS to COLLECT INFO on ALL NEW ACCOUNTS to Check against the Federal Terror-Watch List.

    The noble purpose of this federally collected Database will CARRY A SPECTER SHADOW of unintended usages that will NOT ONLY Guarantee BIG BROTHER INSTANT ACCESS To Your Banking, Investing, and Spending Habits...BUT ALSO YOUR LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT (police) ---who can retrieve this same database by running your license plates and use it to pull you over + develop whatever probable-cause to detain you (no need to arrest under the PATRIOT ACT)

    I 'm now a probable candidate for dentention for inserting this tidbit into a forum post over the WWW---FBI watches for these mentionings and harvest them in to another database???

    Oh well if you don't see me replying soon turn to CNN to see if I WON MYSELF a Pair of those ORANGE Pajamas and a ONE WAY TRIP To the CARRIBEAN CUBAN EXTEND-STAY AMERICANA!!!



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