Hi, I've been hearing so many good things about this, that I'm interested in getting more involved in it. How do I get started in this business? Right now, I've been finding lenders for deals. Now how can I get more involved, like getting the deals that I'm finding the lenders for? Can anyone help? Thanks. cool grin


  • TheShortSalePro10th June, 2003

    Depending upon the foreclosure laws and customs in your state, I may be able to help you to 'farm' for prequalified leads. It'll take a few months, but you'll end up with some prequalified opportunities. The seeds you plant today will come back to you as opportunity.

    The short sale process is sooooo much easier if You choose the deal, rather than having the deal choose you.

  • tanegra110th June, 2003

    Cool. I'm in California. Let me know what I need to get started. I do like the Mortgage Broker, and I'd really like to get some leads. Can you help with that? Whatever information you can provide. Let me know.


  • TheShortSalePro10th June, 2003

    Farming for preforeclosure opportunities isn't much different from farming for mortgage loan origination leads. In fact, your mortgage broker might even pay for the direct mail campaign. Subscribe to a service that provides Notices of Default. Introduce yourself as a problem solver to borrowers with 'challenged' credit.

    Whatever your particular skillset, play that up. A genuine offer to help is better received than a sales pitch.

  • Prince10th June, 2003

    hello Tanegra, i have some courses that may be helpful to you. Im also in california, here are some of them let me know if you would like to acquire them{they were helpful to me}-
    #1. i can give you Ron legrand 3cash flow
    sytems on c.d's with manuals if
    thats lease option,for sale by owner and wholesale retail courses. .

    #2. also i have the 3 bootcamps by ron legarand available- MOS,Guerilla marketing & Pretty house
    [these are on video with manual]

    #3. also i have ABC'c of subject 2 a step by step approach to getting the deed without using your money or credit.

    #4. Mr.Preforeclosure by jeff kaller{teaching how to get discounts and make money through finding houses about to go into foreclosure}

    #5. also robyn thompsons mega money machine{step by step direction on rehabbing and flips.


  • tanegra110th June, 2003

    Thanks. I just want to get started as soon as I can. I like the idea of using a Direct Mailer to acquire leads on Notices of Foreclosures, but can't I get that information from the local county office? I guess it would be less work by going thru an agency that specializes in gathering that info for you. Do I need a degree or license to do this? How much is the course going to cost me, being that cash is what I'm trying to acquire and not give away freely (hahaha).

  • roztom10th June, 2003

    ShortSalesPro: Could you suggest where I could find "Notice of default" subscription services ?


  • pbodys10th June, 2003

    Hey Tom,

    No fair taking my phrase:

    "Nothing To It, But To Do It"

    Must be a Chi-Town thing

    From West Chgo, IL

  • tanegra110th June, 2003

    There has to be a subscription service for getting Notice of Defaults. I'm usually going to the County building/tax assessor's office.

    If that helps...

  • tanegra110th June, 2003

    ...and Yes, I would like to acquire the materials/books to get started. However, is it going to set my credit card on fire! I'm on a limited budget. This is something I would like to get into because if you live in California, the RE market is going thru the roof. I also would like to know about short sales. I guess I'd like to know it all so I can effectively do this! Or should I concentrate on one course? confusion setting in...


  • ashleys3611th June, 2003

    Hi All,

    I am new to the site and to investing. I found this web site the other day
    I am in Southern CA that is where it is from. For a fee the list all the notices of default, trustee sale and REO's. Hope it helps.

  • tanegra112th June, 2003

    Hi, Prince.

    I went to your website to look around. Is there a way for us to do business. I'd like to be the bird dog for you, if that is appropriate. I have some leads but need to find a place to take them. I've sent 1, but put my name on it. Is that right? Just wanted or needed to know. I've been doing some web searching and found out alot about this business. Thanks for everything.

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