Voices In My Head

What's up homies? Hey, I was just reading about a product called a "talking house". It is a radio transmitter that broadcasts information about the property you have for sale to people who are cruizing down the road and read the for sale sign in your front yard instructing them to tune in to a particular radio station. I was thinking it might be useful for attracting tenants also, if they are willing to turn off their rap music long enough to listen as they race by at 40mph over the limit. Has anyone tried this? What were your results? Thanks - Zach


  • InActive_Account24th October, 2003

    These "talking signs" have been used by Realtors for years. They never were a hugh success. The proof is that they're only sparingly utilized.

  • realtordave24th October, 2003

    Works really well. NOT!! I have too many and I don't use them all...If you are interested in one or two let me know..mine are cheaper than the manufacture.[ Edited by realtordave on Date 10/24/2003 ]

  • Investor4life24th November, 2003

    I've used this method on 3 properties in different types of neighborhoods to test it out and in the ritzy 'hoods there was a pretty large response and compliments. However in the not so wonderful areas of town I had no success.

    My best advice: When you have the time/money try it out and see what works best for you.

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