Virtual Home Staging - Should or Not

Home staging is quite a familiar term when it comes to selling empty houses. Most home sellers and agents take advantage of home staging to sell their houses better. In spite of high cost, it is can not deny the effectiveness of home staging. Luckily, thanks to the development of technology, now home sellers and agents can apply home staging to their vacant houses in a very cost-saving way by using Virtual Staging. Virtual staging is the most affordable alternative of home staging. Virtual Staging is the process that adds furnishings and decor to virtually stage photos of empty homes, making a better impression of the property and leading to sale growth. Virtual staging appears as an advanced technological step on home staging techniques. It helps showcase both the existing features of a home and its potential ones. It is a great supplement to the conventional staging of vacant homes, moreover, it is far more cost-effective.

Virtual staging is one of the most popular tools that are used by New York marketing professionals. This tool is really helpful in the case of a vacant condominium or cooperative apartment units. It is because an empty studio or penthouse makes a sense of box of white walls. And certainly, that doesn’t motivate the clients to make a visit to a house.

Here is what we are doing:

Meanwhile, there are some people getting afraid that this might cause some disappointment for clients. What do you think?


  • cyndyB28th November, 2019

    These are all photoshop photos or something?

    • BeatColor16th December, 2019 Reply

      Yes, they are.\nHere Here is where you can understand more about virtual staging.

  • joel30th November, 2019

    What is the point of virtual home staging if the people visiting the property can't see what it will look like?

    Seems to me that while virtual staging might be a good thing for MLS listings, it won't really help during the walk through.

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