Very New

As the subject line says I am very new to real estate investing as a matter of fact I have just started finding lead I bought me a book on bird doging read it understood it andI am now ready to start. There is a couple of things that I am concerned about. First of all I do not have a car yet only a bike so drive bys will be hard. I all so live in cleveland tx this is a small town. so maybe I can get a little advice on how to work with these Obstacles. I am very good with the computer. I have studyed the public records and can use them very will also. Any advice would be great. Thank you very much


  • pejames15th December, 2003

    Welcome Steve,
    You might try and post your concerns here and see if the kind folks here can help. I am sure they can if you give them the opprotunity. Good luck!

  • rickomarsh15th December, 2003

    Jeeez working on a bike wont make it easy but if you are computer savvy you can do it. The real question is how many data bases can you access for your county. Tax rolls, public records, clerk of court, probate court, family court and can you get access to a foreclosure listing service for your county as well get your online phonebook sites together. The first deal is the hardest, if you can pull this off once you get a wheels you will light the town on fire.Kick butt

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