Vacant House

I found a vacant house on my place. I went to the Tax collector office and the bank owns it. Should I write the bank concerned with my offer. How shall I know the condition of the house inside. Will the bank open the house for me or I just give a low offer and what shall I tell the person I flip the deal to?
Help Wangui surprised


  • KyleGatton28th July, 2003

    I would call the lender and ask how much is owed on it. And also ask them if they would sell it for 80% of that. If not you will at least know what you will have to buy it at for you or for whomever you are birdogging it to.

    Good Luck,

  • wangui28th July, 2003

    Thank you kylegarton,
    I will call the lender and find out. The next question is. I wrote a letter to a person who is to be foreclosed. The letter was returned to me, saying that the person left the town and the post office couild not forward the letters to her. What other ways are helpful to reach such an owner? Help!

  • lildell1st August, 2003

    if you have an old address,or phone number try yellow pages online then enter info you might the fowarding add,or number off that. good luck

  • patricc682nd August, 2003

    maybe after your due dilegence and the numbers make sence, there are skip trace people out there..for about twenty bucks you can find just about anyone..small price to pay if the deal works..hope this helps..
    regards-pat prentiss

  • alk5103rd August, 2003

    If the bank owns the house did they do
    a foreclosure on the property. If so did
    they lose their rights . Did you also check
    the balance of mtg vs the area value.

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