Utah-Debt Collection Service Or Attorney Needed

Hi All,

I have a tenant that skipped out on me a few months back. I put the place back together and its rented again. The tenant that skipped owes me money, he knows it but has no intention of paying. So, can someone recommend an attorney or debt collection service they like. The location is Layton, Utah. The dollar amount is approximately $3,000 in back rent and repairs.

Thanks, Brian


  • cjmazur8th August, 2007

    if you know where he is / works, can you do it yourself in small claims?

  • finniganps8th August, 2007

    Yeah, typically you need a judgment in court before you go the collection route. Small claims court is easy to do and cheap. Go there first and get your judgment.

  • bnwbaron8th August, 2007

    I am in California, he is in Utah. Thats why I was looking for an atty or service out there to handle it for me.

  • gregmaeser14th August, 2007

    Call the Utah State bar and ask for their attorney referral service. They will give you names of attorneys who do collections, landlord/tenant, etc. Try and get more than one name though as for such a small amount you may have trouble finding one who will get involved on a contingency basis.
    Hope that helps.

  • richnathan14th August, 2007

    I am glad you asked. I always try to avoid court, but if I do I will always use James Deans (I am serious, thats really his name!) 801 575 5005 here in Salt Lake City. All he does is evictions and landlord/tenant issues, quick, professional service and inexpensive. He saved us a lot of head-ache.

    Collections... Never been there, but I hear that most small businesses use Beehive collections in SLC.

    Curious, who manages your UT property?

    Best of luck,
    PS Layton is a good area for growth and appreciation, but I am sure that you already know that.

    [ Edited by richnathan on Date 08/14/2007 ]

  • haynesm17th August, 2007

    What’s the most you can ask for in Small Claims Court (SCC) in Utah? Here in MO $3000 is the max. Not wanting to put a damper on your efforts but from problems I have had with SCC. Make sure you have all your paperwork and you have tried to contact the person. Have proof of doing so. How much can you get from his wages out there? Here is it 10% per period. If he is a slacker that might not be very much. My last check was for $2.94 that’s right – not even three dollars. If spouse works then we can get 25% of her wages. Be sure you include her on the SCC form. My last person has changed jobs every time the court system sends notice to his employer that money is due. And it is my job to advise the court system of his working address. So he just keeps changing jobs. The good news is that this issue will hound him for 10 years, then I can revive it and it follows him for another 10 years. So he is on the hook for 20 years. Small claims awarded me $2800.00, he has paid about $900 and he still owes me about $2700. How is that? Court charges him interest on the unpaid amount due. Also each time I have to do paperwork the court charges him for that also. Pretty soon he is going to own more that what he started out owing. I only live about 175 miles from where he is now. Sounds like you are farther from your deadbeat. Guess what I am getting at is this. Is it worth the hassle? Perhaps it’s the principle of the thing. That’s why I do SCC.

  • itlot20th August, 2007

    DE Series LLC

    What is that?

  • itlot20th August, 2007

    Does anyone know of any examples of a parent-subsidiary business structure, that has multiple limited liability companies?

  • cjmazur20th August, 2007



    for a explaination of series LLC.

    If you go the umbrella route, how bug should it be? I have 1 rental property (condo) now, and have $1M.

    What would be right for a 12-plex?

  • JamesStreet20th August, 2007

    Some states are better. I agree CA is not a place for an LLC however Minnesota is great. I have thought about this as well. There are some good option in Minnesota. You can set up you LLC and treat it like a Limited Partnership and have another LLC as the general partner. But you are right is it worth it? I was thinking if you are sued by a tenant your personal assets are safe as well as you credit score. Again talking from Minnesota which is rated just below NV and DE as the best place to start an LLC.

    J[ Edited by JamesStreet on Date 08/20/2007 ]

  • cjmazur23rd August, 2007

    sounds illegal or usurious.

    Can you get a lenders license? In CA they cost like $200, a bond for 600 and a set of finger prints.

  • bargain7623rd August, 2007

    Please pay attention to what you are doing.

    "Let no good deed go unpunished" is how it works these days.

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