Use local phone # or get an 800 # for marketing purposes?

I am putting the final pieces together to start marketing. I am going to get a second phone line put in for my business/corporation. I anticipate only marketing and doing business in the local area. I would like opinions as to whether to use an 800# or simply a local # for the marketing purposes. In addition, this phone line is also going to serve as the fax line also. Any input would be greatly appreciated as to what other investors would choose. Thanks.


  • BAMZ10th April, 2003

    Hi WPG,

    I have all of my calls come to a seperate phone line as well. I have more success in real estate by presenting myself as an average person, just looking to buy a rental home, instead of presenting myself as a real estate pro on the surface.

    A long time ago, I arrived at a homeowners door steps and proudly told them that I was a Real Estate Investor, and told them how smart I was in our conversation. That position never worked for me, it scared more homeowners off than you can believe.

    The best way that has worked for me is that all of the phone calls come to a seperate line, and the answering machine simply says . . . "Hi this is _____, I'm sorry to have missed you call, please leave me a message and I will call you right back." Notice I didn't mention that I am an investor.

    Even if you are a specialized genius in preforeclosure sales, it has worked best for me to present myself as just an "average joe", not a big money real esate guy. It seems to make homeowners more comfortable in my area. Hope this helps, and Best of Success!


  • dcftp10th April, 2003

    I use my computer as a voicemail system and have a toll free number to forward any calls to my main phone line.

    The advantage, is a more professional image that helps build trust with a prospect.

  • Twinky143228th November, 2003

    Good post BAMZ. He's right, remember when you are setting up anything that has to do with business communication between you and others to treat clients exactly how you would like to be treated ~ 1st impressions never go away!

    Happy Investing!


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