Use Curb Appeal to Achieve A Quick House Sale

Without a doubt, first impressions count and can be the deciding factor in whether you achieve a quick house sale or not. The idea behind curb appeal is to allow potential buyers to imagine how it will feel living in your house. Here are a few ideas of how you can create the right image for your property:

  1. Take a good look at your home and try to imagine how it looks to someone seeing it for the first time. Taking photographs is a good idea as it allows you to see what you may not have noticed before.

  2. Windows and doors are crucial to the overall look of your home, so clean, polish, paint or replace the front door if necessary and clean all windows so that they sparkle.

  3. Power washing or a new coat of paint will make the walls of your house more appealing and cleaning mildew stains from gutters, paths and behind plants improves the look of your home.

  4. Fences and gates should be clean and painted if necessary and importantly perform the job they were made for, to open and close.

  5. Garden furniture adds to decorative value, but needs to be in good repair and freshly stained or painted. Also ensure all water features like ponds; birdbaths and fountains are clean and working properly.

  6. Make sure driveways are clean and free of cracks and weeds and as people buy house in all seasons, clear pathways after a snowfall.

  7. Prune trees and shrubs, cut back any limbs touching the house and rake up fallen leaves. If you can afford to stock the flowerbeds then this adds to the curb appeal of your home and lawns should be cut and even reseeded if necessary.

None of this need cost a fortune but it will make your house far more appealing to potential buyers and make them want to make your home their home.

However if you don't have the time, inclination or money, then there is a simpler way that is guaranteed to sell your house fast. I am talking about contacting a property specialist who can buy your home in as little as seven days regardless of condition or curb appeal.


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