update re: run down house in nice neighborhood

Hi all,

So, I found the name of the owner through the county tax records and called her asking if she was interested in selling her house.

She was rather upset I called her asking me where I got her phone # from. She was very offended I "solicited" her and told me the house was not for sale.
I made a terrible first impression and gave real estate investers a bad name (it seems others have contacted her as well).

I will send her a letter apologizing for bothering her.

What is the best way to contact an owner of a property you are interested in if it is not for sale???



  • Wingnut23rd May, 2003

    you did notghing wrong...I call people all the time, sometimes they get mad and want to know how i got there telephone# and address, i just tell them it is public record. Dont get frustrated about the first phone call, nor would I bother to send her an apology letter. that's just my 2 cents.

  • SteveCook23rd May, 2003


    You did nothing wrong. Don't let this upset you. This is going to happen to you many more times. If you are buying houses, you will get these types of reactions from some people.

    Perhaps you can take a little different approach and rather then asking if she (or anyone in the future) wants to sell, tell them that you can help them if they would like to talk about it. Then you can open up a dialogue and lead into the possibility of buying the home.

    I hope this helps.

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