UPDATE: I'm Still Hucking Bandit Signs In The Woods.

I have learned that its true. These people who use bandit signs are nice hard working investors with families.

They are not my competition.
Actually I should send them free leads to throw them off track from what I am really doing.
But you know what, If you still put your signs in my neighborhood, after I have called twice and given you my address and asked you to please stop putting your signs around my house, and you still keep doing it-
yep, your sign in my trash can every tuesday and friday ( trash pickup days)

Happy New Year
Lets kick some ass this year.



  • rickpozos1st January, 2004

    Are you saying that you are taking down other peoples signs and throwing them away?? Is that really cool?
    They may not be the nicest looking things in the neighborhood, but it seems very negative and hateful.
    Focusing your time and energy on destroying someone elses business could be spent thinking up ways to increase your business instead. Anger and hate only bring you and others down. I can see this turning ugly and all being losers.

  • rchapa1st January, 2004

    Have you considered anger management classes..just kidding. Is the area you live in one that maybe investors target, like a middle class neighborhood. These investors are just following instructions from their local
    town guru..Do you use bandit signs?
    Maybe they are impeding on your farm area? If you don't use the bandit signs,
    don't knock someone else for using them. I do understand they can be an eye
    sore, but as you know with your advertising campaign. Its not cheap..

  • MrMike1st January, 2004

    On 2004-01-01 14:26, dataattack wrote:
    I have learned that its true. These people who use bandit signs are nice hard working investors with families.

    They are not my competition.
    Actually I should send them free leads to throw them off track from what I am really doing.
    But you know what, If you still put your signs in my neighborhood, after I have called twice and given you my address and asked you to please stop putting your signs around my house, and you still keep doing it-
    yep, your sign in my trash can every tuesday and friday ( trash pickup days)

    Happy New Year
    Lets kick some ass this year.


    I have never used Bandit signs but it might be fun to watch the hucking so hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


  • WheelerDealer1st January, 2004

    Are they In YOUR yard or the neighborhood on public right of way??

    Are they illegal in your area?

    if they are violating a code or law take it up with the athority's if need be.

    Most on this forum dont live in your neighborhood and therefore it's not going to do you any good complaining here.

  • Stiffler1st January, 2004

    OOOhh you`re a real tough guy !

  • quinn1st January, 2004

    I've been reading your posts for some time now and get a kick out of them. You like to get people riled and sit back an watch everyone get mad and post angry responses. I laugh because you truly are controlling the crowd.
    Until people wise up and realize that you are basically manipulating them, I'll be able to continue to read your posts and the responses and get great laughs.

    Thanks everyone

  • pejames1st January, 2004

    You are right, it doesnt take much to get some folks wound up. I am glad he's not here...there are bandit signs everywhere...dattaattack would have to spend all his time huckin sings and then we could take all the deals, cause he's to busy freakin out about the signs....hahaha. Happy New Year!

  • dataattack1st January, 2004

    I think your reading a little too much into it. ( slow down on the coffee)

    This place gets a little "stuffy" at times.
    I just want to show people that we can have a little fun and learn.

    "Get down, get way down, the Marines are almost here."


  • MidWest_Investor4th January, 2004

    Jason - good to see you are still crazy...


  • mcldavid7th January, 2004

    dataattack..how about "re-turn to sender"

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