Update for Runway 5R-23L Rehabilitation

Good Morning,

As you may know, the Authority has been carrying out a rehabilitation project in 2022 on Runway 5R/23L (the runway closest to the Terminal Building). The runway has had to be completely or partially closed for this work. As a result, traffic that would normally use that runway has been diverted to parallel Runway 5L/23R.
The Authority had expected the work to be completed before now, but there have been unexpected delays, including delays caused by the recent adverse weather. The final work should only take a short time to complete, and will be done as soon as weather permits. While there may be temporary closures of very short duration after that time, Runway 5R/23L will then be re-opened.

The FAA is also working to put new instrument approach equipment into operation on Runway 5R/23L. We expect the FAA work to be completed in the near future. If the new instrument equipment is not in operation at the time of the runway re-opening, aircraft that need to make instrument approaches will be diverted to the parallel runway, including some aircraft conducting touch and go operations. After the runway re-opening, aircraft should be able to make visual approaches and departures from the Airport on Runway 5R/23L regardless of whether the FAA has completed its work.

We have been working very closely with the Authority’s contractor, and with the FAA, to bring this project to completion and to restore normal traffic at the Airport. In the meantime, we appreciate the public’s patience with this process.

Stephen Rich, P.E.

Project Manager

Piedmont Triad Airport Authority

1000A Ted Johnson Parkway

Greensboro, NC 27409

Phone: 336.665.5600



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