Unsecured Debt Can Be Cancelled Legally
Hi I am not advertising or anything just want to inform fellow investors if they want to get out jail free with debt and they have a little time they might as well use legal remedies to get otu tof jail and I am not talking about bankruptcy I am talking cancelling debt once you know these secrets you're never look back.
Go to google and look up this term Unsecured Debt Resolution Package.
All of the same information can be found at www.creditboards.com
The process doesn't really eliminate your debt but rather works to prevent a creditor from being able to come after you for the debt.
Basically a debt collector has to follow specific laws on how they can and cannot collect debts. Most debt collectors don't take the time nor keep the necessary paperwork to legally continue to collect debt from.
I'm not sure if that is a good explaination but that web site will give you more information than you could ever want.
See now I got to whip out the big guns read this
site and you'll be suprise at what you can do www.lawresearchgroup.com its deeper than just stop paying debt you can cancel a mortgage without paying too