The Benefits of Running a Real Estate or Entrepreneur Club

Have you ever thought about starting your very own networking, real estate or entrepreneurial organization? For those natural business builders who enjoy networking, building relationships and helping others in business, this idea may quite possibly be golden. You think you’re ready to begin promoting your new found club? Read and think about the “Success Tips” provided below to ensure your motives and intentions are pure of heart. Having founded a Multi-County Entrepreneurial group with several hundred members, I would like to share several tips for success that may help you in your efforts!

Success Tip #1 - Have the right intentions.

A powerfully true statement by Ron LeGrand and several other gurus is one I stand by when operating and building my organization. “Get others what they want and you will get what you want”. If you focus on the needs of the masses, you will do well within your business pursuits. People always want more education and a place where they can freely network. Always, always, always be willing to help people regardless of who they are or how busy you think you are. You never know when or where a great contact will come across your path, so even if you cannot answer someone’s question or need, help find someone who can. This minor tip has led me to some major relationships. This tip alone could make for a successful club!

Success Tip #2 – It’s all in the name.

You must decide upon the proper name for your club. Our club covers a lot of real estate investor related topics. However, business owners, entrepreneurs and community friends that may not be in real estate are more than welcome to enjoy the networking and educational portions of our meetings. IF you wish to network with a variety of individuals and do not want any confusion when marketing your club as to who is welcome, you may want to consider choosing your group name carefully. You could be turning away great, new members by a mere name choice.

Success Tip #3 – Focus on educating, not selling and time will be on your side.

Be mindful of your audience with their time at your meeting. Chances are, your members are grateful to have a local group where they can meet other like-minded individuals and learn new information. Do not schedule 52 sales speakers to kick off the first 2 hours of the meeting before your main speaker is even introduced. It is an insult to your audience, as well as your main speaker. I have seen this one too many times where 1/3 of the audience has departed by the time the main speaker is introduced. The main speaker may have valuable information to share and the constant “sales” speakers have chased the once grateful members out of the room and out of your organization.

Success Tip #4 – Mix it up!

Have a good mix of topics and speakers. Screen your speakers before you have them speak to your members. Do not schedule speakers that hard sell the crowd and do not provide education. If your guest speak is selling his/her product, you want to ensure those people who did not make a purchase still received beneficial information from attending your meeting.

Success Tip #5 – Let your sponsor do the selling.

For an additional income, always have a meeting sponsor. This allows standard meeting expenses to be covered, i.e. food, drinks, venue. A meeting sponsor is an individual or company who pays a set rate to represent one meeting. In exchange, the sponsor is typically allotted 15 minutes to introduce their product to your audience. Unlike the main speaker, the meeting sponsor focuses on selling their product to your members. Remember (See Success Tip #3), do not follow the sponsor with back-to-back “sales” speakers because your members will take note of this (See Success Tip #1).

Success Tip #6 – Make multiple sales products an OPTION.

I’ve mentioned the importance of not forcing members out of the room with sales speaker after sales speaker. However, there is a solution to this problem and I’ve witnessed it! Allow vendor booths and tables. This is a great way to bring in an additional income and one that most business networking groups utilize. This allows individuals and companies to display their products for a minimal charge. This also allows the group members to choose who they wish to speak to, and which products they have interest learning more about. Allowing your members a choice does not place pressure and often annoyance amongst your members. Remember, although you may have started the organization, this is their club!

Success Tip #7 – Taboo businesses equal a lack of knowledge.

One of the most powerful ways to generate income from vendor booths and tables is the sometimes referred to “taboo” business, Network Marketing! As the founder of an organization, it is your responsibility to research reputable and worthwhile network marketing companies. However, once you have examined the networking marketing business venture, this can be one of the most successful aspects of your club when implemented properly. If your organization is part of a network marketing business, select a volunteer from your group (who is also a member of the same network marketing company) to stand behind a vendor table and speak with other members interested in becoming involved in your network marketing company. What could be better than your club having its’ very own source of residual income?

Success Tip #8 – Thoughts become things.

Most of us have heard the saying, “Everything begins in thought.” If you have thought about putting together an educational and networking organization, what is stopping you? The answer is simple; nothing. You simply need to take your plan and put it into action. If you’re thinking about beginning a club, you’ve already begun the most important part! You love building relationships and you know your group would be a huge success. Having a club or group is sometimes easier to market and promote than your fulltime business. I have been interviewed twice by a local television station in Southwest Florida for our entrepreneur club. It was easier to get this sort of publicity by promoting the club versus my real estate or advertising business.

Success Tip #9 – Last (but not least), have fun!

Clubs are a great way to meet people, learn new things, help promote local experts and make a side income. By following the above tips, I hope you have a good basis for starting a fantastic club!


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