TX-my House Goes To Auction 9-7/time To Move?

Our house is going to auction on September 7th.
I am trying to find out how much time we have to move after Sept 7th. (someone told me 30 days after auction)
ALSO-I have a fear that whomever buys it will come over and want to go thru the house before we are moved out. What's the rules on this?
We have no equity in the home as my husband lost his job 1 month after we bought it, then he got a job & took a pay cut, then I lost my job, then my son was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes resulting in an out of pocket expense for us of over 1000 per month (no that's not a typo); anyway, we know it's inevitable and have accepted the fact, but we need to know how much time we have before we will be 'thrown' out!
We truly NEED about 3 weeks...any advice appreciated...
Julie in Texas :-?


  • Lufos28th August, 2004

    Check and see who gets the house at the foreclosure sale . Make a deal with him. 30 days is the standard. Start looking for your scale down rental. Get in somewhere cheap and turn it into a little piece of heaven. I have been there and done it. My bedroom was the closet. My sister was lucky she was small she got a drawer. Frankly not too bad, just love each other and have a sense of humor.

    No do not consider burning down the house for the insurance. It never works out, they seem to always know who did it. Besides its your name on the policy. Now Julie, I know you love Texas, but maybe this is the moment to move somewhere else. Arizona is booming and if you are willing to move a little out of the towns, rents are still cheap. As to your sons medical condition. Start with a few secondary opinions there is a mass of new treatment and if you play your cards and get into a testing program it is free. The $1,000 is too heavy you must apply for social support.

    So check your options, start your move and as I said heaven can be small its all up to you and the family.

    Cheers Lucius

  • julie3k2c1h28th August, 2004

    You are so right.
    When I think that, if we were living before the invention of insulin injections, we would have lost our little boy, I become very very thankful!
    A house is just a thing; We will bounce back.
    I am just thankful I have my son and that he is gonna be OK.
    Thank you for your thoughtful reply.
    And OK, we won't torch the house!
    Julie in TX grin

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