TV And Radio Spots

I had a crazy idea and wanted to get people’s feedback.

As everyone knows, marketing and advertising can be crucial to finding the right deals. And most investors I know are not in the position to produce things like their own TV and radio spots. It’s just too costly.

But what if there were existing pre-produced TV and radio spots available that investors could use in their local market? Do you think they would be interested?

For example, let’s say there was a professionally produced TV spot targeting people in foreclosure, but it had your company name, contact info, and phone number. Is that something that would be helpful? Is it something the average investor would use?

What if there was a whole series of spots available addressing different scenarios? What if only one investor per geographic metro could use them?

The reason I ask… in my other life I own a media production company and was thinking that if we produced a series of commercials that could easily be modified to include an individual investor’s contact info, it might be a beneficial tool. That way, for a fraction of the normal cost, an investor could have professional radio and TV spots available and start getting broadcast exposure. Obviously, airtime in their local markets would have to be paid for, but the production would already be done.

Thoughts? Ideas? Feedback?



  • JohnLocke12th February, 2006


    Now if you explain to the investors that are interested in this what the investment is to run commercials on television or what we call a flight going to the right demographic so that they would get responses, then you will know how many would be interested.

    In your market what does one 30" commercial cost to run?

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • IBuyHousesInc12th February, 2006

    Mike.... That idea sounds very similar....

    I think it would be better to produce a 30 minute infomercial and broadcast regionally and then eventually nationally.

    You will have two messages.

    First: I Buy Houses

    Second: You can buy houses too!.

    Call it something like REI Universe or something catchy...

    I don’t know just thinking out loud...

  • mcole12th February, 2006

    Hi John,

    Good point. The hard part is telling people what airtime would actually cost them. As I’m sure you know, there are sooo many variables that affect it…market metro, demographics, local access, cable, network, time slot, run-of-schedule, etc., etc.

    I really think each person would have to do a little research in their own market to see what’s available and what it would cost them. And local cable is probably the best place for them to start.


    Hi Michael,

    You mean…it sounds familiar to what we were talking about before? : )

    You’re right, but I wasn’t really referring to the how-to, or an REI Universe, approach. I was thinking more of just a generic radio and TV alternative to the typical bandit signs.

    And I think an infomercial could be great, but that’s a different topic. An offline topic maybe?

    : )

  • IBuyHousesInc12th February, 2006

    I know I just couldn’t help myself.....

    You should call me about my infomercial... Gather pricing now for the launch.....

    I was going to go for a 15-minute loop but have changed to a 30 straight run...

    No celebs....

    I have produced two in the past and they work very well... As long as you have a product the viewer wants and one which is reputable...

    Anyway you have my number…


  • Stockpro9915th February, 2006

    I know that the no agent, buy kwik guys are telling me that using their commercials and spending 2500 to 3000 a month I will get 40-50 leads and close 10-20%.

    They seem to be pretty consistant in this.. They all say that with additional advertising more leads come in.
    They all have there ads that are tailored as you mentioned and I am negotiating with 4-5 of them right now to see who is the most feasible and has the best program for targeting my audiences etc.

    I know that Scott Rister is behind Buy Kwik and the father of all this Bart Trow is behind the 800 NO- Agent.
    Bart apparently trained Scott (according to Bart).

    I posted as to whether anyone had used these guys and what their experiences had been before I go and spend 30K this year on it.

  • IBuyHousesInc15th February, 2006

    In my opinion, TV alone, with that limited budget ,will not pull 40-50 qualified leads a month.... And your closing ratio will depend on your business model...

    Both of the companies commercials are similar in style... Unfortunately they don’t answer the questions sellers have. And that is why call.

    Yes their programs are less expensive than building your own commercials however I am not so certain it is money well spent at that budget... I would rather let you use my 30 minute infomercial and have the vanity number directed to your area...

    Infomercials are powerful because they tell a story and I have had sellers call me and say "I thought you were talking about me"

    Good Luck

  • JohnLocke15th February, 2006


    Are they buying the spots for you along with providing the commercials?

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • Stockpro9915th February, 2006

    yes, they have a demographic that they target and spread your $$ based upone their studies etc.

    Buy Kwik charges 700 a moth and then puts the rest (however much you decide to spend) towards the advertising. No agent has a minimum of 3k per month and takes up to 30% for admin with the rest going to advertising.

    The hard part seems to be getting your advertising to the right demographic within the budget.

    I willl say that most people have stated that the bandit signs are very effective for bringing them deals.

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