Trying To Locate Preforclosures In My Area

My brother got me hooked on the Sub To method. I finally finished the book. I went to my county clerk's office to look up any "lis pendens" and when I asked the lady there if she had a lis pendens list she said "huh". I said do you have a preforclosure list and she said she had a forclosure list and that is what she gave me. I looked at several of the letters in there and they had "In Sale" or "TR" on them and I believe they are about to be sold. I am so boggled. I am ready to get started but feel like I have run into a brick wall. Where would you all suggest I look for preforclosures? I have looked online and couldn't find anything for preforclosures. Thank you so much.



  • InActive_Account20th February, 2004

    hi kellyntx,

    Texas is a power of sale state. Start checking your local newspapers for legal notices or specialized legal notice in your local or county areas. Visit your circuit court clerk for more information. I think they will help you better. thanks. happy investing.

  • amfels0720th February, 2004

    Hi there.what part of texas are you in???

  • gborden21st February, 2004

    Hi all. Im interested in this topic as well. I know that REO by banks are kept on lists but before something is in foreclosure status how would you really have any information that would be shared by a lender? The only way is if the seller is advertising a dire need? what does everyone think?

  • kellyntx22nd February, 2004

    Thank you all for the responses. I appreciate them. I will definately try them. I have noticed only 3 ads in the paper so far for subto people that are trying to do this as well as me. My brother told me I just have to make my ad more appealing than theirs. I can't wait to get into this more. It is so exciting.

    I am in Waco.

    I have tried Realty Trac but I got a list of forclosures. that are about to be sold. I will look more into it though. Maybe I missed something.

    Once again, thank you all for your help and quick responses. My brother told me everyone on here is so nice.

  • kellyntx24th February, 2004

    Okay I am still trying to find preforclosures and I called the Appraisal District and the lady gave me an attorney's office and said he handles that. I have never heard of an attorney handling a cities preforclosure list. Any suggestions? I have also thought about calling some realtors and seeing if they might point me in the right direction. I am desperate. I don't know where else to look.

    I am trying to find a number for the circuit court clerk but I haven't been able to find it yet.

  • baldi1824th March, 2004

    I am new a this as well, but I do have some info that may be useful. I was at my courthouse the other day trying to find the same thing. I live in IL. The preforeclosures are located in the Circuit Clerk's office. So are divorce records. Anyhow you may not beable to gain access to them unless you are with a business. (They don't want just anyone in there because they want to know who was in there in case stuff goes missing). They told me that if I wanted full access to them, I would have to write a letter to the person in charge of those records telling them who I am and why I want access to the records. If they grant you access afterwords then you can pull any file you want. Some are close to being auctioned off and some are not. You have to see when the foreclosure was filed. I noticed some I looked at had auction dates, so it gave me an idea of how long I would have to work on the deal before an actual sale. One more thing...Since I haven't wrote the letter just yet, I simply asked for any 10 folders from last years filings (Jan and Feb may not be recorded as of yet. Was in my case). Anyhow...they will bring you the folders with out a letter, but you can't get access to the room by yourself without it. Hope this helps.

  • mesham3126th March, 2004

    Hi Kelly,

    Here in Clark County (las vegas), Nevada the county recorders office has a website that shows if any mtg. co. has filed a "default" or "breach" against the borrower this is done about when they are 4-5 months behind, better than 9-10 months behind at the trustees sale at the court house steps. hope that helps.

  • mikepor26th March, 2004

    Every state is different regarding foreclosures. What you are looking for is a "preforeclosure" which is really a term that defines the time period before an attorney representing the lender actually files legal action against the borrower. Once the action is filed, it is a matter of public record but in my city, the legal news is always several days behind in printing the actual legal action. You might want to contact several attorneys who represent lenders (they can be found in your city's legal newspaper) and ask them if they can legally talk to you about the intended action before they file the lawsuit or do you have to wait until after the lawsuit is filed. In that case you would need to be at the courthouse (my city is the county common pleas court) the day the attorney filed the lawsuit and get the name and address of the borrower and contact them to see if they would be willing to sell you the property before the bank takes it through the foreclosure, sherrif sale procedure. I have been able to make contact with a local realtor who specializes in foreclosures and bank repo's and she emails me a list every day to review to see if there is any property worth looking at.

  • Kathleen29th March, 2004

    Kelly, I agree w/ Mike. My county has a website but doesn't list the NODs or preforeclosures. I can't make it to the courthouse during open hours (some of us are still working) SO I asked around about "legal papers" (any lawyer office) and I found only one store - like a borders books only just newspapers. Once you find the one for your county they'll have a phone number where you can order them. I also found that our biggest food store has a newspaper machine that carries it. The only problem w/ legal papers is that it only gives you about 3 to 4 weeks before the sale. But it's better than nothing...


  • kellyntx30th March, 2004

    Thanks all, that has definately helped me out. I will call some attorney's and see what I can come up with.

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