Trust Deed Flips?!?!?!?

Where can I look (on this website or elsewhere) to find individuals who want to get rid of their trust deeds? I'm asking because I know a guy who will flip 'em if he can find 'em so we can make some loot! Another thing we're thinking about doing is flipping properties on an assignment. If you check my profile and look at some of my post, you can see what I know about this stuff (which is not too much; I've been told I should be a motivational speaker. They make more money for less work!) LOL
Just lookin for more ways to make some loot.
Now, let's go get this money!!! 8-)

K McDaniel--I will not lose[ Edited by Quikness on Date 03/25/2004 ]


  • gunhead527th March, 2004

    Post a simple add in the news paper like
    I buy homes or trust deeds
    Will pay all cash
    any and all
    This will get you alot of leads and allow you to pick and chose.
    use in vegas paper and your local put out flyers market yourself and they will come you've got to hunt but if you do it smart and easy it will work. remember
    KISS- Keep It Simple Stupid. Dont over Kill. Get them courious as to how you can help then do your home work . :-D [ Edited by gunhead5 on Date 03/27/2004 ]

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