TRUMP: How To Think Like A Billionaire

TRUMP: How To Think Like A Billionaire

i purchased this book at about 10:30 last night and finished it at 5am.
somewhat eager to see what the pages had to offer..

it basically told you how to think like, not a billionaire...but like Donald Trump
obviously he can only tell you how he thinks, or does things...whether or not its the attitude of all billionairs alike is is arguable.
with short chapters which are straight to the point this book is very readable and enjoyable
i like flipping quick pages and being on to the next idea, theres really not much time to get bored...
even a step by step of a week in The Donalds life...
it wont teach you much unless you treat it like a bible, but will definately let you see things from his point of view... 3 out of 5 for me
im no critic but i thought some of you might be curious


  • dealfinder12th December, 2004


    Have you read Trump's book entitled, THow To Get Rich"?


  • ZinOrganization12th December, 2004

    This post will probably get moved to the General discussion forum, but i have read it along with all his others. i think this one was pretty bad, it is alot of common sense, not really in depth into the way he does buisiness but then again none of his books really are. the best book i have read by him is "The Art of The Deal" which was his first, and goes furthest into depth on his buisiness decisions and negotiating. "The Art of The Comeback" was pretty good too. but his last two books i have been rather disapointed in. theyre more motivational then knowledgable. just my 2 cents[ Edited by ZinOrganization on Date 12/12/2004 ]

  • grneydgy13th December, 2004

    Yes, I absolutely have to agree with Zin on the fact that this book seemed to be a compilation of common sense, generalistic approaches to business.

    However I do disagree with zin on one thing... I read The Art of the Deal in one night and returned it to the store the next day... what a waste of money. I found nothing of use in that book.

    I'm almost finished with How to Get Rich and this will, most likely, be the last book by Trump that I read. Trump definitely has the midas touch, but I think he has abused it with his series of books that were CO-AUTHORED by him. He doesn't have the time to write... I imagine an author approached him with a "great idea" took notes for a few months then compiled it into his words... I seriously felt ripped off when I read The Art of the Deal.

    Just my opinion so don't shoot me. I am a huge fan of Kiyosaki's books and Robert G. Allen. Also if you haven't read The Seven Habbits of Highly Effective People by Steven Covey, it is a must read! Or at least listen to the tape.

  • ray_higdon13th December, 2004

    I agree with grneydgy, I thought both of those trump books were a waste of money. I prefer something from Zig Ziglar, Dale Carnegie, Tony Robbins, or Jack Welch.

  • Young_Inno_Vative13th December, 2004

    im about to finish reading and taking notes on RON LEGRAND'S HOW TO BE A QUICK TURN REAL ESTATE MILLIONAIRE....
    very helpful indeed...insightful and gives clear thought to everything...
    anything i didnt neccisarily understand, was immediately followed by an example...
    i just baught ''Flipping Properties' by William Bronchick and Robert Dahlstrom...
    I've decided ill need to wholesale a couple, or atleast one property to get the capital needed to finance a multi-family home...
    finally, im starting to be able to develop a plan...
    this is getting more exciting by the day...
    i just recieved a board game for investing i ordered...its kinda old and i didnt know that when i paid $167.00 for it...
    I shouldve gone with Robert Kiyosaki's game...oh well, as long as i learn something, i cant put a price to it...

  • ray_higdon14th December, 2004

    The cashflow game is cool to get your feet wet, you can get it $30 cheaper on Ebay though. I bought the cashflow for kids game to make my kids learn this stuff sooner than I did.

  • Young_Inno_Vative14th December, 2004

    hey whatever works...that puts them at an advantage...
    i shouldve got myself the cash flow for kids game hahaha

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