Toxic Site Remediation

Hey Guys and Gals,
Has anybody heard of an inexpensive way to clean up a property contaminated buy toxic materials? Those are usually REOs and can be bought very cheaply.
Is anybody reading this who is already into that type of property investing? smile


  • 15th July, 2003

    In this field inexpensive usually means illegal.

    check with the local town engineer on procedures for cleaning areas with toxic poisoning.

    There are companies that specialize in this type of environmental engineering and development. They sometimes even build developments on old decommissioned garbage dumps. IN fact, your local golf course may be sitting on top of one.

    Local contractors may have companies they work with also. It is a fairly common occurrence for contractors to find material they can't reuse in the field. They may know some companies who can help.

  • Dandguy15th July, 2003

    Thanks for the prompt reply Holiday.
    I would be very interested in hearing from anyone who wants to investigate this type of investment possibility. Due to the contamination these properties are usually sold for ten cents on the dollar. After remediation they are restored to full market value. I have heard of a man who will partner with you and back the venture.

  • ratatatat16th July, 2003

    I just remember my partner and I were going to buy this abandoned mobil home park in an old smelter town in Northern Idaho, until we found out that we needed to remove and replace the top 6" of soil. The price was astronomical.

    Needless to say we didn't buy.

    But I did here tell of special government programs designed to help offset this type of costs. You might check into that avenue.

  • 16th July, 2003

    the costs associated with moving contaminated earth are astronimical.

    They charge you to dig it up. Then they charge you to transport it. Then they charge you to dump it.

    Since it is contaminated even slightly, they have to get rid of it in different ways.

    If you can find someone who can do it properly, and "relatively" cheap enough for you to see a property, then go for it.

    In my book, This falls under the category, "Life is too short."

    If you do decide to go this route, I can probably call a few friends to see if they can recommend any companies that move contaminated earth.

    Good luck.

  • Stockpro9916th July, 2003

    you would have to define the specific materials that are toxic for a real good answer. Asbestos is no big deal, requireing a respirator $35 tyvek suit $30
    and some fancy labels you put on the double bagged materials bvefore you throw it in the dump with everything else
    Check with a contractor for the specifics.

  • Dandguy16th July, 2003

    Thanks everyone. I appreciate your replies and advice. Here is a place to in vestigate. Tell them 105003 sent you.
    ****Must Reach Senior Investor status before posting URL's***

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