Tough Question

I am using no income verification stated income to get a mortgage loan. My friend works at the company and has gotten my 100% financing. The only problem is that my intrest rates are going to higher. Around the 7% Range. This sucks because at these intrest payments its tough to rent out because I have a bigger mortgage payment than what local rents go for. I have heard of buying points off your mortgage. I was going to ask my sister to buy 2 points off my mortgagein exchange ill give her 5% ownership of the property. DOES ANYONE KNOW ANY ADDITIONAL IMFORMATION OF POINTS OR ANY OTHER WAY TO SHAVE INTREST OFF MY MORTGAGE????


  • 5MILLIONMORE5th September, 2004

    Hey Ralphy

    I would try to just break even for a couple of months and put the house up for sale!

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