Top 5 Weird Tenant Requests-reported by Landlords

We asked Landlords and Property Managers for their weirdest tenant request. We got over 40 of them posted in the Forum area! We have narrowed our selection to the top 5 stories and are now asking you to vote on the #1 best story. Please enjoy....and vote at the end...even if you are laughing on the floor!!

SLenzen: I had a house for rent and a guy stopped by to look and the first question out of his mouth. "What my late payment be?"

allhandl: I rented a townhouse to a rather LARGE couple with several kids. When i say large I'm not exaggerating to say they were both in the lower 400's and rapidly increasing. We do period inspections of the property and fastening the commode was an ongoing battle. Anyway, This couple was terrible with paying their rent on time however we were determined to get them to the end of the lease because renting over the holidays is a nightmare.

At one point they began dodging calls and letters so i went to face the music (or symphony for as large as they were). I banged on the door a few times and finally one of the kids answered. I asked for her mom and she replied she was in the shower. Noticing the dads truck was there, I asked to talk to him and heard what would eventually cause me several nights of bad sleep. She simply said "he is the shower too"...

..[crying] we only have one shower in the property. When I got back to my truck i had to decide if i should call their bluff or MAINTENANCE.

JamesStreet: Move a whole bathroom to otherside of building because it would be closer to the door for when they are BBQing outside.

alexanderwyoung: So, pretty uh... low-class apartment building is out of town, so it has an on-site manager living there.

Problem tenants, gang types and things of that nature, you know the story.

So, manager goes up to one of their apartments at 2 or 3 am to yell about the noise - apparently a party or something - and they answer the door, and say they will keep things down...

10 minutes later, manager is going back to sleep, and 'knock knock' on his door, he opens it to find

One of the gangsta's significant others (a woman), STARK RAVING NAKED, standing there, says to him "Dion said you were in a bad mood and told me to come down here and cheer you up, wanna party?"

bargain76: I just have to share the story that made me SWEAR OFF having tenants.

A month after Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast, my daughter brought to my attention a homeless refugee family from New Orleans. Wife, husband and 5 children. The husband had just gotten a job as a Pipefitter and they had no money and no place to live.

I had just rehabbed a DW mobile carpet, appliances, paint, etc. and it was ready to sell. With the spirit of being Charitable, I offered the family this DW for $100 the first month, $200 the 2nd month, $300 the 3rd month, etc up to a $500/month rent. They moved in the next day.

When the $300 payment was overdue, my daughter went to the home. It was burnt to the ground. The across the street neighbor said they were emptying their belongings out at 3:30 AM that morning, and after they drove off at 5:30 AM, there was a loud 'pop' and the windows blew out and the place went up in flames.

Even though there was evidence of a meth lab, the Police would do nothing. I had no insurance, of course, since it was a flip property.

The topper was when this family showed up a the local St. Vincent De Paul charity facility looking for assistance as 'burn-out victims.'

We now have a saying in our real estate dealings: "Let no good deed go unpunished."

Now, it's time to vote! Please choose your favorite.

If you would like to see the original thread and read more interesting experiences or add your own. Go here:


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