Tony Is A Newbie - Pre-foreclosure

Just found ths forum again. Its been a long while since I was last here. I have just started learning about pre-foreclosures and cannot stop reading all the post on this site. Its incredble the weath of nformation everyone brings here.

I search our local paper everyday for forclosure listings, I pull info off our tax assesors site of property and I mail a letter to the owners in forclosure. I guess my next step is when I get a reply to meet with the owners and do a walk thru on the property and go from there.

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance...



  • TonyGotaTruck16th December, 2007

    I live in a extremely small town. We used to get about 1 foreclosure per month in the local paper. Now its about 3 per day.

    I went to the courthouse and ask who gathers info about foreclosures and they said noone. I am not sure how true that is but, I just catch the paper everyday and send out letters to see if I have any takers.

    I am reading a Pre-foreclosure book right now and have learnt alot. I own 12 rental houses and woudl like to buy and sell about 4 foreclosures per year giving myself time to remodel where needed...

    This forum seems to be my best bet for learning more.

  • ICGPROPERTIES17th December, 2007

    You are probably right, and maybe this is why I do not use realtors to find my short sales. I find that most realtors are not very skilled at short sales, and I do much better negotiating with lenders directly. After realtors see my results, they tend to want to hire me to do the short sales for them, which is a nice little bonus to business that I had not expected.

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