To Take Title, Or To Assign/flip???

Hey folks,

I was curious if anyone knew about the strategy of buying low using cash to get deeper discounts, taking title, and then selling low (but for more than assignment) to rehabbers?

I assume the range here is birddog, flipper/assigner, wholesaler (what I am talking about), and rehabber.

Question: Can you make more money doing this, using private lender money to get the discount, as opposed to assigning/flipping the deal?

In addition, how much more money can you earn, and is the liabiliity of taking title to a fixer upper worth doing this?

Is buying low with cash and selling low to a rehabber really best when left for rehabbers to sell to rehabbers ( as opposed to assigning?) Or should folks like me get involved in it too...

Thanks for any and all input. Best, Dave cool smile


  • jeff1200215th October, 2003

    It appears that you are suffering from information overload at the moment.
    You can buy really low and sell low, and make a profit. You can do this either by assigning your contract, or actually taking posession of the title by closing, and closing a few minutes or a few weeks later with your new buyer. IF you leave enough in the deal to make it worthwhile to another investor. You could sell it to someone that is looking for a fixer-upper that wants to live in the house that isn't intimidated by the amount of work to be done, but that would probably be the exception to the rule.
    You are asking for some pretty specific answers to some very general questions, and I'll try to sum it up this way. If you buy right, and then sell right, you'll make money whichever route you take. Each deal will be different, and so will your profit. Every variation may at some point in your investing career (If that's what you want) will be the best way to go depending on the circumatances surrounding the deal.
    Good luck,
    [ Edited by jeff12002 on Date 10/15/2003 ]

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