To All New Tci Members

I am neither the owner of this site nor am I a moderator. But I have spent countless hours here learning and trying to help where I can. But it seems like the last few days there has been an extreme amount of new posters with blatant disreguard to almost every rule of this site. With thousands of posts a month, it is nearly impossible for the moderators to keep up with every one so we are left to police ourselves to a certain extent.
I know there are other sites where you can say "Call me at...", "email me at..... ", "I'm looking for...", post the same question in five different forums, etc. but this is not one of them. If you just spend a little time looking around, you will find the place to offer your services, and find services that are offered. If you don't, ask and someone will be more than happy to point you in the right direction. The forums are not the place.
Let me be the first one to welcome you to this great site and I encourage you to participate. But please respect the "veterans" of this site and those that follow the rules and do your part to protect the integrity of this site. I think the last thing any of us want is smorgusboard of classified ads and billboards. So if your posts are not being answered or are being deleted, there is probably a good reason. You may find that reason here.....



  • JohnMichael25th January, 2005

    I just ran across this - Thank you for the support and understanding.

  • kram329th January, 2005

    It would greatly help for us newbies if we had access to the search option. Because that option is restricted, it makes it difficult for us to find similar topics/questions previously asked by other visitors. as a newbie trying out this site, it would help to have access to the search function for the forum.


  • AndrewKT29th January, 2005

    GIYF (Google is your friend)

    go to google, type in your search terms, and add:

    to your query

  • kram330th January, 2005

    ahhh... what a splendid idea!

    works like a charm... thanks!

  • ZinOrganization1st February, 2005

    andrew, great idea your are a genius.

    yes i also have noticed alot of posts being posted 3 or 4 times, or questions being reasked over and over again, even questions that are answered in posts on the same page. so there for i am all for new users being able to search for there questions before posting them numerous times.

  • JeemBeem2nd February, 2005

    Oh sure, this is a greatly unique idea... my support goes to you one 100% wink

  • kram32nd February, 2005

    test[ Edited by kram3 on Date 02/02/2005 ]

  • kram32nd February, 2005

    [ Edited by kram3 on Date 02/02/2005 ]

  • ray_higdon2nd February, 2005

    I can tell you that you will run into nightware tenants in low and high income areas. All you can do is be diligent with screening and managing the properties.

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