Time Out Feature Added?

Is there anyway we (moderators) could get a feature to do a time out for people like omega to just slow them down? Something barring them from posting for 3 days would be great. Sort of a cooling off feature that would stop the Omega/DealerJo madness?
If they have 3 days where they cant post on the open board, it would knock out the continual interest in the soap opera going on.

Just a thought,


  • JohnLocke20th March, 2004


    What I have been doing lately is starting to delete 10-20 posts of the offender, particularly the ones who are posting to move up in the ranks.

    If you just delete their posts I think this gives them more grief than banning them. If you are not a moderator of the offensive posters forum just post the offender here and we can start deleting posts until they get the message.


  • KyleGatton22nd March, 2004

    ok, I will do that. good idea by the way. It helps to have some sort of bite behind the bark .

  • joel30th March, 2004

    The ranks aren't really used anymore by just posts. As you will see, we are adding in other measurable items that will show who is really active.

    Only delete posts because of what content is provided, not by who the author is. Look at each post individually please.

  • KyleGatton31st March, 2004

    Usually by the time I catch them, most of them are repeat offenders anyway. I just notify the other moderators and it happens by default. But, The more posts under there belt, the more leanient I have been on them. But I will delete accordingly, dont worry joel. I wont become the Mad Delete Hatter you are envisioning LOL [ Edited by KyleGatton on Date 03/31/2004 ]

  • JohnLocke31st March, 2004


    I tend to agree with Kyle, by the time you get to some of these posters particularly in the Paper Notes fourm they are on their 9th or 10th post in an hour or so saying pm me or phone number listed, so it is a pain deleting them while they are still posting.

    If you want control then there should be some kind of ban button for some length of time until you can either get the poster straightened out or report them for just being a won't listen to you type.


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