Time Frame In Louisiana

I have got listings of "executory process" clerk of court listing, but does anyone know how long it can go after this point to get the house out of foreclosure. Thanks


  • madmax200012th January, 2005

    By "executory process," do you mean right of redemption period? I may be wrong, but in Louisiana there is no right of redemption period.

  • jmproductions12th January, 2005

    this is how the notice is listed in the paper. most of the house i have drove by that where list still had people living in them. if you go to http://www.nola.com and search the newspaper by "executory" you'll see. I'm trying to find out at this point how long do they have to reinstate the loan.

  • jmproductions14th January, 2005

    so now one knows really how long it takes once the executory process has been filed that the house can be brought back current?

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