TIC Investment

Is TIC (Tenants-in-Common)a good investment and what should i look for in this kind of investment.


  • jeff120027th June, 2005

    Tenants-In-Common is not an investment, it is an occupancy status.

  • ominer217th June, 2005

    what do u mean when i read the info on it. it explains that u own part on the property with other investors.

  • jeff120027th June, 2005

    The property is the investment. TIC is the way you take title. (How much do you own?) (How much control do you have with what happens?) The merit of this type of purchase has much to do with the liquidity of your assets. If you decide you want out, how is this facilitated? How long would it take you to get your portion liquidated?

  • BMan7th June, 2005

    Tenants in Common is a way to hold Title. It means that you and someone else bought together/ share in ownership etc. It just has different meaning than say Joint Tenant (husband and wife typically) where if one dies the other automatically gets the others share of the property.

    Tenants in common I believe means that the Heirs would get the portion.

  • ominer217th June, 2005

    yah im am talking about tic thats when u invest in large commercial properties. And for the question of how much do i own. i havent bought it yet. i was going to put a million on it. Its the Emerald Plaza in san deigo. i think its a great investment. initial projected cashflow: 6.5%. its a Multi-tenant Office bulding

  • jeff120028th June, 2005

    you might try asking this on the commercial forums.

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