This Week's Lawyer Experience.

Hello, all,

On the advice of my realtor, I attempted to use an attorney for a Quit Claim as she (my realtor) was wary of using mine (uh, next time, I'm using what I've drafted).

Well, the lawyer with whom I spoke a grand total of one time, decided that he wasn't going to work with me -this I did not know.

Well, after a week of calling to try to close this deal, I finally just walked through the front door of his office building, saying who I was, and the receptionists look surprised, and I got to see the attorney only 'cause he thought I was some one else! "So, this is your third offense?"

"Uh, I don't believe you know who I am." I introduced myself, he began to tell me that he didn't want to take this work, he was busy... didn't have time. I simply told him that he judged my character and integrity with out even meeting me.

I then gave him a list of mutual people that we both knew and said that they'd provide him with any character references that he may need.

I also reminded him that he was referred to me; not me to him, and that the next time one of his friends provides him with a referral, that he may want to recall our conversation.

Of course, I then left the castle, crossed the draw bridge and moat and got back on my trusty steed and road off still closing the deal later that afternoon.

If one is going to question my character and integrity, I then shall answer it with the Truth.

My word is gold.

Anyone else have similar experiences?




  • hibby7630th July, 2004

    You should both want to do business with each other. If you have to talk a lawyer into taking your work, then it's time to find yourself a new lawyer.

    There are plenty of Lawyers in the Sea!

  • ChasG30th July, 2004

    "so this is your third offense"

    It sounds like this guy was a criminal defense attny. Was he? If so, he might not want to do real estate transactions at this time and that is why he didn't want the work. I don't know - just a guess.

  • ChasG30th July, 2004

    I agree with Hibby - you should never have to talk a lawyer into doing business with you.

  • OnTheWater30th July, 2004

    Yep, I agree. I don't need to talk anyone into doing anything. They either want to, or they don't.

    My other lawyer had no problem with doing it. Yeah, I know. I'll stay with him.

    Thanks, guys,


  • wstone16th August, 2004

    If a lawyer is up to his neck in sand, what do you have?

    Not enough sand!

    Just like real estate agents, there are good ones and bad ones.

  • johnbriscoe6th August, 2004

    Shakespeare wrote "First, let's kill all of the Lawyers." Most people don't pay attention to the context. They were saying first we will kill all of the lawyers so we can take advantage of people and no one will be around to help them.

    A good lawyer can help to keep you out of trouble, but they can't control what you do. They should advise you of the potential downfalls and then weigh the risk and decide to forward or not.
    Good luck

  • NancyChadwick6th August, 2004


    Great point! The attorneys who are good at what they do protect their clients, are advocates for their clients, give them sound advice, but recognize that it's up to the client to make the business decisions.

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