This Is The Month...

Ok all other newbies, I've been reading all the forums/articles and soaking up as much information as I possibly can retain. I began this new journey of mine the first week of November 2003.
I've posted several questions and received good advices. I can read all the material I can get my hands on, but it means nothing if I do not act upon it. I know I will make some mistakes, prayerfully very few...I will try my darnest not too though!!! smile
At the present I will be concentrating on preforeclcosures and assigning them over to investors. My husband and I have tried this in the past with a couple of investors...however, it just did not workout on our end...We were very green and did not secure our end. Well, I know better now!!!!
Bottom line, I'm in need of investors for the Marietta and surrounding areas who are in the position to put up cash immediately as I come across these deals. I do go after properties with at least $30k and above equity in them. I will do all of the leg, research and contact the homeowners, schedule an appointment to speak with them one on one about there situation and do a walk through of the property, etc. My goal is to achieve a win/win/win situation for everyone.
Sotherefore, if there are any REI who are interested in working with me in GA area please PM...Thanks!
Peace & Blessings~


  • myfrogger3rd December, 2003

    To be honest it will be hard to find people to partner with you without some experience behind you. If you do, great, but thats not the case with many. You may want to consider purchasing SUB2 or through a lease-option or another technique that allows you to get into REI without a lot of money. Good Luck!

  • rajwarrior3rd December, 2003

    The above is not the best way to find cash investors. If you really want to find some good investors then do this:

    Go to the courthouse on the public auction dates (foreclosure sales). Go to real estate auctions (check the papers for auctions w/land, property, etc. up). Visit your local real estate investment group. These are just some ideas to help you get started.


  • millionaireinthemaking3rd December, 2003

    Thanks everyone for your kind replies...

  • millionaireinthemaking3rd December, 2003

    Ok...How do I go about in going after Sub2 properties with no $$$ on my end to invest?
    Where can I locate properties that will fit a Sub2 deal?
    Whereas preforeclosures, most of the time monies are needed to pay for the arrears.

  • tanya12153rd December, 2003

    If you want to go subject-to, then you absolute best bet is to buy John $Cash$ Locke's book. It is the bang for the buck. It will explain how to do a proper subject-to deal without making costly mistakes, how to market, where to market, support from the author (John) and other students, and all the paperwork you will need to do a subject-to deal.

    I started out with preforeclosures and I wish I had gone another route as my first stepping stone. I had to learn a lot before I got started and still had to learn from my mistakes. It's not fun paying for mistakes when you are counting on that deal to make or break you. You need to pick one area to start investing in and stick to it, TRUST ME! There is always time to master other areas, but you need to start with one first. I learned about short sales and my first deal via short sale was my hardest. It took 5 months to close because it was an FHA and with CounrtyWide, which is one of the strictest lenders to work a short sale (especially if you don't know exactly what you are doing). But, I made it through and after that it was smooth sailing. Need good advice? Learn, Do, Make Mistakes, Learn from Mistakes, Do some more, Educate yourself more, Do....

    Most important is DOING. You have to take some action in order to learn from your mistakes and eventually master it. So, pick an area, learn as much as possible, then go out and do it!


  • millionaireinthemaking3rd December, 2003

    Thanks Tanya1215...
    Speaking of Shortsale, I actually have a deal pending with Countrywide...Just started. I'm waiting for the package now. This is a conventional loan though, would this make a difference. Would you be willing to offer some assitance since you have first hand experience with Countrywide? Please PM...Thanks!

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