This Has Been Asked, But I'm Looking For Specifics...


3 weeks ago I bought Scott Risters "Find All The Motivated Sellers You Can Handle" course. It is great. Some will tell you it's nothing new— just good direct marketing ideas applied to real estate. But to a newbie such as myself, it was a tremendous source of information and ideas. To say the least, it was money well spent. The one thing I will note,however, is that at $699, he should have a professional proofer/editor look over his material. I mean, grammatically it is god awful in many different places. I had to read some paragraphs over and over just to try and decipher some of the glaring wording and grammatical mistakes. At the price, that's a bit disappointing.

At any rate, I'm looking to hear from someone who's personally purchased or read Scott Rister's wholesaling course and applied it successfully on the field. I want to know if it's worth another $350 out of my pocket. I know others have asked this question before, but the response is very generalized. I too have heard it's a very good course. I want to know if I should save the money and go elsewhere. Or can someone personally endorse their recommendation on his material.

Thanks everyone.
Milo[ Edited by camilomachado on Date 02/22/2004 ]


  • HOLLERatG22nd February, 2004

    Thanks for validating my suspicions, Milo. When I read his advertisement for the Wholesale course, I noted several grammatical errors. I wondered if that type of laziness and negligence would surface in the course text itself. I'll assume it does based on your reporting of the occurances in the Marketing course.

    People always give me a hard time about it, but I am an absolute stickler for grammar and spoken English. Things like double negatives, incorrect possessive plurals and bad punctuation annoy the hell out of me.

    To ask for almost $700 and then supply a text that wasn't proofread is an insult. It reeks of crass amateurism and makes the author look like he just hastily threw things together to make a buck. I've put books back on the shelf, logged out of websites and returned products for this reason. Am I a snob? No. I just expect the professional courtesy of correct grammar.

    I'll step off the English 098 soapbox now. Some of you may take issue with my comments, but you'll never convince me that it's alright for a so-called "professional" to put out a product that is not 100% grammatically correct. If you try, you're a fraud.[ Edited by HOLLERatG on Date 02/22/2004 ]

  • camilomachado23rd February, 2004

    It truly is disappointing. It is ver difficult to comprehend and absorb the information when you constantly have to guess or decipher what is being said because of glaring grammatical mistakes. I plan on commenting on this on his website if it gives me the option. You are also quite right in stating that for the price admission, the product simply does not live up to its billing in regards to quality control.

    With that said, however, I will reiterate that the information is fantastic in terms of content. The ideas and strategies are applicable and in my estimation, they will be effective for me once I put them in play.

    If not for the above observation, I would not consider buying his wholesaling course. However, given how thorough and complete his marketing program is, I am compelled to at least look into his wholesaling material as I plan to make wholesaling my bread & butter specialty. [ Edited by camilomachado on Date 02/23/2004 ]

  • jbinvestor23rd February, 2004

    I have the wholesaling course, and so far I think it's great. Wow I didn't know the find all the motivated sellers was that much, I planning on buying that next.

    I would recommend the wholesaling course.
    Yes, he is no English Major.. but he sounds like he is really great at what he does, and I'm learning a lot everyday with his course.

    over $600, man!!...maybe we can trade or something, lol.


  • Lufos23rd February, 2004

    I find it most annoying when the English is bad, of course I am perfect, Not! But I wish I were.

    When I did my grad thesis, the nice lady in the Library of Congress who did the proof and editing asked me where I was from and when I responded Calif. she smiled shook her head and suggested it might be better if I returned to my prior profession, plumbing.

    Do you know there are throughout the world four different ways of spelling Weir? You know that part of the toilet that keeps the gases from floating up into the house.

    I pointed this out to her over Martini's at lunch. She smiled and said, "Nice try!"

    Milo, I suggest you merely check the various Forum's you might find your answers. Also, I never buy these types of books new. I find them rather cheap in various bookstores. Never over $10, a lot of them are read up to and including the first chapters. Then hurled into the trash.

    I read them in balance with other books such as The Prince, Niccolo Machiavelli.
    The Art Of War Sun Tzu. The Gentle Grafter by O'Henry.

    Real Estate Investing is but one part of the economics of a merchantile society. What you do and how you do it depends on what is going on in the social groupings at that instant. It is in continual change. You must not fixat on just one or two ways of doing things. You must expose yourself to many so that as the situation changes before you the response you select is correct.

    Now that was wordy. I'm sorry, Stay loose!


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