The Wall Street Transcript Interviews Jospeh Kristul C.E.O. Of Transnational Financial Network (TFN)

The Wall Street Transcript Interviews Jospeh Kristul C.E.O. of Transnational Financial Network (TFN) in the Specialty
Mortgage/Finance Sector

SAN FRANCISCO, Aug 11, 2003 - Transnational Financial Network, Inc. (TFN - AMEX), a wholesale and retail mortgage banking company is featured today in the TWST FINANCIAL SERVICES SECTOR Industry Outlook for the Specialty Mortgage/Finance Sector. Company C.E.O. Mr. Joseph Kristul discusses the competitive landscape over the past two years, business strategies and the outlook for the next 12 to 24 months.

In the industry overview, two analysts and top management from thirteen sector firms examine the Specialty Finance/Mortgage Finance sector in a 59-page Issue from The Wall Street Transcript. Full details are available to subscribers only. A brief overview of the interview is available at:****Must Reach Senior Investor status before posting URL's***

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  • joel11th August, 2003

    Please submit this article in the Articles area, not in the Forums.

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