The S&P Downgrade

With the recent downgrade of the USA credit rating, I am not sure if it is a bad thing or a good thing. Now don't get me wrong, this is bad for the US to have higher interest ratings on everything from home mortgages to other commercial debt.

But on the bright side, it does make Washington deal with the overspending within the government for a long time. Granted I have been around for approximately 40 years, and can only base my understanding of how the government has worked since I started voting. But I still think the US will be better off when our politicians have to recognize that the US as a country cannot be overspending, period.

On first thought, a primary fiscal candidate would be Ron Paul. As I remember Paul's spiel from 2008 running for President, he was the only one that really talked about reigning in the country's debt.

But at the same time, there are other candidates that could be easily just as good at looking at a balance sheet. With that being said, it takes more than just being good at numbers to get hundreds of people to agree with your decisions especially when politics are involved.

I think with this downgrade, a lot of politicians on both sides will be getting an earful from their constituents.


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