The Key to Real Estate Investing Wealth
Discover the key piece of knowledge that all real estate investing millionaires possess, yet few reveal.
"98% of the millionaires in this country made it through
Real Estate Investing", words that inpire millions to get
involved in real estate investing, yet lack that special
'secret ingredient'...
The one thing that explains HOW to make those
millions in real estate investing...
So, just what is it that the millionaires of real estate
investing know that you don't?
Here is the key to making fortunes in real estate
investing, or simply continuing to struggle aimlessly...
The key to real estate investing riches is not in the
latest technique, method or system. The key to real
estate investing is in patience and research,
monitoring the marketplace for a special 'event'...
Something 'big' in the marketplace that triggers rapid
growth in the real estate investing market.
Such big indicators as;
- new major employment moving into the area
- a new factory (manufacturing)
- sales center (like a large outlet mall)
- entertainment (like a casino)
All trigger worthy examination as 'events' in real estate
Other events that affect your real estate investing
include sporting arenas, theme parks, even a new
airport on the 'outskirts' of town...
All merit further investigation because they trigger
fluctuation in the real estate investing marketplace.
When such events occur, there is a sudden rise in the
demand for affordable housing in the area, rapidly
affecting the real estate investing market.
Not only will the workers at the 'event' location need
homes, there is also a need for housing from others -
'customers' that simply want to be near this new
As the 'support' base grows for this 'event', the need
for additional housing grows as well.
You see, the 'base' also needs support - from food
stores to shopping centers to car dealers and utility
companies - the whole thing just grows and grows!
By now you understand that such 'events' hold
extreme value in the real estate investing cycle.
In fact, following such 'events' is the primary key to the
number of millionaires that have made their fortunes
through real estate investing.
When you monitor these events and take advantage
of them early, you grow your wealth very quickly.
This is the simple, secret key to real estate investing
keywords; real estate investing
Steve Majors - The Lazy Investor
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