The Easiest Way to Build Your Real Estate Fortune

Right now I’m going to reveal one of the most important ways I built my small fortune. Please don’t dismiss this because it is so simple, because if you do this correctly you won’t have to worry about where your next deal comes from.

What I’m talking about is a “special” type of networking. Here’s what I mean: When most people go to a real estate meeting they just exchange cards and they’re like “yeah I’m an investor, or yeah, I buy in zip code 22407, etc.” What people don’t do often enough is pick a specific niche and crown themselves king or queen of that niche. Because that’s exactly what I did and I’ve made a ton of money from it. Early on, whenever I was at a meeting I let everyone I came into contact with know that I was a subject-to expert. That all I wanted to do was subject-to deals. It didn’t matter what we were talking about, somehow I figured a way to slip this information into every conversation I had. And guess what happened after a little while? My email started filling up and my phone started ringing with people who wanted to give me subject-to deals. Whenever I was at a REIA meeting I would get approached by people who would say “Jason, I have a potential sub-2 deal, here’s the info, just give me $1,000.”

And, if you happen to be math impaired like I am, if you’re giving people $1,000 and you’re making $30,000 and more per deal, you’re making a pretty good living.

Now, the first important thing I did was choose the right niche. Everybody wants to be a wholesaler, or everybody claims they’re a wholesaler so I would not pick this as your niche. But, for some reason very few people know how to do sub-2’s. They think it’s hard. (It’s not). So if you crown yourself the subject-to king of Canton, Ohio then you’ll have very little competition and you’ll get all of the sub-2 deals from the people who only wholesale.

But again, this only works if you’re constantly reminding people that you do sub-2’s. This type of marketing is kind of like a dam bursting. In the beginning you’re going to have to go to the meetings and network with a lot of people and you won’t see immediate results. But then one day the dam will burst and it will appear that “overnight” you became the go-to subject-to investor in your area. And when this happens you’ll have a constant flow of leads and all of your networking will pay off to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Just ask me how I know.

So if you aren’t currently networking go to and find your local meeting. Then make sure you attend every month and let everyone know what niche you specialize in. Then rinse, repeat, cash checks.


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