The Deal Machine

Marketing! The true magic behind the millions is hidden in marketing! The fact is, most of us, despite relative simplicity, do not understand or practice effective marketing. There are many ways to effectively market yourself or your business, and some are certainly more effective than others.

First, we must ask ourselves: What type of deals do I want? The answer to our marketing problem lies therein. Let's discuss some of the more common strategies.

1. Direct Mail- highly effective when done properly, this is the most common form of marketing. The strength of this tool is in it's speed. It is a quick task, and can be done in very little time, and if done CONSISTENTLY, it will yield great results. The weakness of this method is that 85% of our mailings are thrown out regardless of their quality.

2. Signs- another favorite of Real Estate Investors, this method is also highly effective when properly utilized. The strength of this method lies in the fact that your signs are working for you while you are sleeping. Well placed signs generate DEALS, period. The weakness of signs is that they are often taken down before they can bring us a Deal.

3. Web Sites- surprisingly, very few investors utilize websites, atleast effectively. The strength of a website is the ease of use, and ready availability to our prospects. The weakness is that many distressed homeowners have no phone, let alone internet access.

4. Car Magnets- talk about convenience! These babies go where you go! The strength to them is their visibility. The primary weakness is not inherent in the magnets themselves, but in their USERS. That is, many investors leave them on their cars even when they are at an appointment in the home of a distressed homeowner! They are highly embarrassed by this.

5. DOORS- by far, and undeniably the most effective method for getting deals is to go and get them! The primary strength of this method is that you are seeing the property as you are walking up the stairs. This allows us to determine whether or not we want the deal before we ever even speak to the homeowner. The weakness is the fact that it can be very time-consuming.

There are many other methods, and many ways to use each of the above mentioned methods, but the point remains that effective marketing is the key to success, because deals are inevitably the result of leads. Leads coming in on a daily or weekly basis ensures success for any of us.


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