The Best Way To Get Started

What is the best way for a newbie like me to get started in this REI beast?


  • jam2001st April, 2004

    Man, I wish I had a nickel for every time someone has posted this same question on this board!! I'd probably go ahead and retire!! LOL Just do a search on this board, lurk awhile, read posts, go to the library, get some books at the library, and read them, go look at houses and learn your market, join a REI club, these are just a few general ideas....

  • InActive_Account1st April, 2004

    thanks buddy....sorry for the redundancy

  • chedaw1st April, 2004


    Join the North Houston REI Club.

    Click on the GROUPS tab above for information.

  • InActive_Account1st April, 2004

    Are you a part of the group? How active is the group? How many members?

  • chedaw1st April, 2004

    I just joined myself. First meeting next week.

    I was drawn into as they promise to help newbies. Sounds like a winner to me. I got lots of leads, I just need some help on putting it all together.


  • InActive_Account2nd April, 2004

    What has been your biggest producer of leads?

    Where do go to find these leads?

    What strategies are you concentrating on?

  • InActive_Account2nd April, 2004

    One of the primary traits needed to succeed is a burning desire. Do research and specialize in an area of real estate which interest you.

  • chedaw2nd April, 2004

    Family thats involved in the mortgage business.

    Do you know anyone like that?

  • chedaw2nd April, 2004

    Also, find some books on the subject. Click on the Products and Services tab above and there is plenty to choose from with reviews to read.

  • chedaw2nd April, 2004

    Also, find some books on the subject. Click on the Products and Services tab above and there is plenty to choose from with reviews to read.

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