Thank you 2021-2022 CRA HOA Supporters

Have you noticed the little yellow flags throughout the neighborhood? Please thank your neighbors who contributed to the 2021-2022 budget.

We are a long way off from having the funds to care for other needs in the neighborhood; gate house, dead trees, holly trimming.

If you haven’t contributed your $120 for the year, please do so by visiting:

Checks may be mailed to:
Cardinal Residents Association
PO Box 19891
Greensboro, NC 27419 We appreciate all the volunteer hours put in by the following:

Stan Stafford’s Lawn Care:
(336) 202-1634

Mark Rodriguez w/ Green With Envy Weed Control:
(336) 549-0649

Joy Cozart’s Graphic Design:
(336) 253-0200


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